Advice on Home study?


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Nov 3, 2009
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I have found a home study course with Stonebridge Associated Colleges, it is called Beauty Therapist NCFE level 3, covering

Anatomy & physiology for beauty therapy
Understanding the skin and its function
Hygiene ethics
Procedures for consultation & skin analysis
Cleansing the skin - facial analysis
Facial massage
Mask therapy in facial treatments
Professional make-up procedures
Skin care
Manicure & pedicure
Successful business management
Weight loss & control
General nutrition

I can't attend a college at the moment, but wanted to study this at home, I know it wont give me practical experience but hopefully a salon would take me on with the qualification and then i would gain experience, or could work on a beauty counter? Has anyone heard of this qualification or can say if it would be useful?

Thanks :)
if you can't go to a college for a full time course then there are other options available. eg. weekend classes, evening classes, private short courses. are none of them possible for you? x
Hi MissConfused, I've found a salon nearby that is registered with the Beauty guild under the training directory, they do one or two day courses in Teeth whitening.
Semi permanent eyelash extensions.


Make up
Hopi Ear Candle.
Body Wraps.
Hot stone massage.
Indian Head Massage.
Swedish Massage.

It looks like they cover some theory on them too. If I did semi permanent eyelash extensions and tinting would that qualify me as an eyelash technician?
I just checked on that place, its closed down, so it wont be any use anyway
i guess in theory you would be an 'eye lash technician' but it doesn't mean in practise you will be. i think being an 'eyelash technician' is a title reserved for those with alot more experience than us with our one day courses and a few practise sets under our belt. titles like that come with time, hard work and lots and lots of experience.

there are many trainers who offer courses on various beauty treatments. have a looka round, don't just go for the cheapest or the closet - go for the best you can afford. make sure you can gain insurance by doing the course too.

i have trained in spray tanning, lashes, waxing inc. intimate and i'm taking a cnd nail course plus mani and pedi starting from november. i have used all different people because from my research they have been recommended and spoken highly of (if you do a search on here you will find loads of info about lots of different training providers) and fit with what imagine/kind of business i wanted.

don't just think that by doing any course reguardless of if it is a 1 year long course or a day long course that costs hundreds that you will be an expert. you have to follow up what you have been taught in your own time and have an open mind.

itreally is fun (and addictive) learning new things! i started my beauty training because i wanted to be selfish and do something for me as i'm a bit fed up of just being 'mummy' and so far it's been alot of fun, and very interesting :D

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