Hi, the training you have received is just like a full 3 year apprenticeship , and 6 years as a trained stylist so you have well served your time ,
if a hairdressers says they have done 9 or even 20 years with no paper quals its not that unusual in the world of hairdressing , because it will always show through ..... and there will always be proof that this is the case ,
but.... if you want to , you could go on a private short advanced colour or cutting course , (Sallys do them or salons direct )
the usual requirement they ask for is the amount of experience you have as a hairdresser and with you having all that experience there would be no problems
as for insurance you must already be insured so just ask them to carry it on for you
also if you you can keep up your advanced hairdressing skills for your
C P D (continuing professional development ) this is more important these days
and its only at the most about four to six hours a year , anything can be classed as part of it , its all about identifying any weak areas and strenghtening them , I am sure if you kept your C P D up it will help you excel in your career as all professionals have to keep up their C P D even the bank managers,
then you will have something on paper even if its just to confirm what you already know
hope that made sense x minky