Best High Street top coat?


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Active Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Hi geeks,
I have a load of superdrug beauty points to spend and thought I may as well buy myself a new top coat (just for my own use). Any recommendations for a good one as my nails always seem to chip so quickly?
Have you ever thought of having Gelish or Shellac? They are both non-chip and cured to a high shine. That might be more suitable for you?
Gelish and Shellac are both really high shine, x3stephanie is right. But I don't think superdrug do them so you couldn't spent your points on them? lol

This might not be helpful but the top coat by NYC is really good, it dries quickly, is available in superdrug and is inexpensive too, it's my second favourite to Seche Vite!
Thank you I will defintely try NYC. I have thought about Shellac but I have loads of regular nail varnishes and don't want them to go to waste - I will try in in the future though I'm sure :biggrin:
Yes superdrug do not offer Gelish or Shellac but I thought I would just recommend them as a nail product just so the OP was aware.

That's the thing about nail varnish, it's simply just varnish and there's no telling how long it will last.
I have to say that from experience, I have found Nails Inc Caviar top Coat the absolute best top coat, seche vite is second for me.

The nails inc one dries really quickly and has a great shine, I find it lasts well too. 😃
Hi there, I personally use Seche Vite Fast Drying Topcoat and you can get it in boots, not sure about superdrug unfortunately, but it is amazing! high glossy shine and it dries sooo quickly!

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