Calling all mobile therapists!


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Feb 23, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I am writing an article on the benefits of becoming a mobile therapist, and would like some help and advice!

If you have any opinions or guidance on the matter I would be greatful for your response.

Here are a few pointers I am looking to cover.

- What advice would you give to a therapist wanting to go mobile?
- What insurance should they consider taking out?
- What should they be looking for in equipment? (eg - couches that fold, lightweight equipment)
- What to consider when doing treatments in peoples homes? (eg - safety, cleanliness)
- Any financial considerations.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

Abbi xxx :?:
Hi I work in a rented room and i do mobile services. I love doing both. Mobile you are always putting things in and out of car so all your equipment should be light and portable. It can be a pain at times!!! Especially if you have a client who wants full waxing, pedicure, acrylic nails and minx toes. Theres alot you have to carry! Treatments also have to be worth your while!! I wouldn't do a home treatment just for a brow or lip wax, but would do it for brow lip and chin, depending on where they lived. I have professional insurance and I also have additional car insurance to cover me for all mobile and salon treatments. With completely mobile there are no overheads apart from your car, insurance, petrol etc. You use clients electricity, water etc. The money you earn is yours and you can claim your car insurance, petrol, stock etc off your tax.
Always let someone know where you are going to be - I am always cautious on new clients and unfortunately will not go to a mans home on my own. They want a treatment they have to come to the salon. I always keep my phone on me with an emergency code in place. Your initial outlay can be minimum or higher depends on what you are offering. I would however say that you get what you pay for and if you can afford a 'good brand' then go for it or you spend alot of money on makeshifts!!:o Treat peoples homes with respect, be ready and think through any situations that can arise. Put paper on floor around bed as you may put wax on their carpet - keep wax remover close!! Watch heated wax pots as they can spill out into your car or clients house! You are the professional - you can ask a client a) not to smoke while your there, b) put pets away to avoid any accidents and c) keep children away from your equipement as its expensive to replace. I take a bin bag with me and take all my rubbish back with me. Biggest rule - you have a life outside your work!!
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Hi Michelle,

Thanks so much that's brilliant! :D

Do you mind if I quote you in my article? It is for Guild News magazine.

Abbi xx
Hi yes all of the above, I would say make sure you are physicaly healthy and ready for hard work. In the summer there is heat to contend with, you must never leave your equipment in a hot car, as it could be heat damaged or blow up becuse alot of nail tech/hair equipment is flamable. In the winter there is icy weather conditions on the roads, make sure you are charging enough to be able to take time off ever few months for a break because as I say it is very hard physicaly on the body. Remember that the work doesnt stop there, you need to do all your own ordering stock taking, banking, deal with phone calls, internet etc. Just remember DO NOT undersell your self or try to under cut salons, they are paying you to come out in unsociale hours, (evenings/weekends).You must also make sure you have public liability insurance and that your car is insured for business use. Register with the inland revenue as self employed and pay your own national insurance etc. Make sure you keep an account book of all money spent/recieved and also a seperate business bank account.
As for the work I love the flexibility of it, I actualy prefer working evenings, I find if I wasnt working I wouldnt be doing much during the week in the evenings anyway, plus if there is an inportant social event coming up, I can pencil it in and not take bookings that night. Just make sure you, put your prices at a premium rate for a premium service, be safe dont visit men alone. And be ready for hard work and loads of fun. Oh and one more thing, make sure you go on loads of cources as working alone you have no one to bounce ideas off. Oh and salongeek is a godsend too...hope this helps xxxxxxxx
Thanks SarahPoppy thats brilliant advice! Can I have your full name and permission to quote you for Guild News magazine?

Abbi x :D

Insurance for Hair/ Beauty professionals is not compulsory, which I believe to be wrong. Colour/ Treatment can cause injury, loss or damage.

For your article, the individuals need Public Liability/ Treatment Risk cover and for a minimum of £1 million; cover starts from £36.50.

Freelance cover can be extended to include stock/ equipment and some include Money; these extensions are only available at point of insuring the Public Liability cover. If insuring stock/ equipment check if the policy covers you for losses when the items are left in an unattended vehicle.

Definitions: -

Public Liability

Legal Liability to third parties for accidental death, bodily injury or accidental damage to third party property arising out of the business (Salon). The indemnity limit varies from £1 million up to £5 million dependent on the insurer.


The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against all sums that the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages and costs and expenses of claimants in respect of accidental injury arising from lack of care or skill in the carrying out of any operation undertaken in the ordinary course of a hairdressers and or beauticians business. The indemnity limit varies from £100,000 up to £5 million dependent on the insurer; the norm is £1 million.

This extension of cover is subject to strict compliance or the insurance company will refuse to indemnity the Salon and will not pay the claim/ award to the customer. The main items include: -

- Undertake Skin Test/s
- Comply with manufacturer’s directions/ guidelines
- Sterilise razor/ clipper blades, steel combs or any other item which could pierce the skin or use brand new items
- Adhere to the definition of a Qualified Hairdresser/ Beautician; varies with insurers but usually aged 18 and must have 2/3 years continuous hairdressing/ beautician experience or has 2 years technical college experience
- What types of treatment (hairdressing or beauty) is provided (a list will be provided)
- Check jurisdiction of cover; usually restricted to UK

Health & Safety and Risk Assessments go hand in hand; manual handling/ handling chemicals (COSHH).

I hope this helps.
Thanks Gary!

The feature is on Beauty Therapists, not Hairdresser - Do the ame basic things apply?

Abbi x

Yes, my reply covers Public Liability/ Treatment Risk for Mobile Hair & Beauty sector.

As mentioned, mobile therapists need to check the Insurance company's Treatment Risk wording as these vary from one to another; what treatments are covered and which are not. Definition of a qualified therapist is also a grey area and needs to be checked thoroughly.

The reference to Salon in the Treatment Risk definition can be replaced by mobile therapist.

Health & Safety is key to the therapist, to protect them and their customers from injury/ loss.

As mentioned by Sarahpoppy24, the therapist must arrange personal business use for their car insurance - some insurance companies include this without charging but if buying cover online the question will already have a pre populated answer usually restricted to social, domestic and pleasure including commuting to a permanent location - this is not business use.

I hope this clarifies.
Hi Guys,

The feature will be in the September edition of Guild News...Go to in September to view it! x

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