Can't get in at any salon


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Active Member
Jan 6, 2016
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I am coming towards the end of my hairdressing training at college (finish in June). I am fully aware that I need some salon experience but I cant seem to get in anywhere! Its quite frustrating as I am so passionate about hair but have emailed basically all the salons in my area and most of them didnt reply or if they did they said they dont need any help and I wouldn't get much out of being there! I am a bit worried when I finish in June I am not going to be able to get a job anywhere as all the jobs require salon experience... but I cant seem to get it! I have got loads of people who want me to do there hair (colour especially as thats my passion) and could even bring them some business!
Any advice welcome!
Are you offering to work for free?
It could be better to go to the salons in person with your portfolio and C.V. It's harder to ignore someone in real life x
Well I have just said I would like to help out as I wanted to leave it quite open as I would really like a little bit of money as I am in the situation where I only have tuesdays free at the moment due to college/childcare and have lots of people who want there hair done on tuesdays and can earn a bit of money and experience from that...maybe I just need to wait until i fininsh and have more spare time to volunteer and do my own clients ....answered my own question there !
Well I have just said I would like to help out as I wanted to leave it quite open as I would really like a little bit of money as I am in the situation where I only have tuesdays free at the moment due to college/childcare and have lots of people who want there hair done on tuesdays and can earn a bit of money and experience from that...maybe I just need to wait until i fininsh and have more spare time to volunteer and do my own clients ....answered my own question there !
It's really difficult to get in anywhere as most salons understandably want to pay as little as possible when someone is training. Unfortunately you're in competition with 16 year olds who are paid a pittance and are seen as easier to work with. Do you know anyone who owns or manages a salon? it might be worth starting to network now if you don't, so that your options are improved for when you leave college.
It's really difficult to get in anywhere as most salons understandably want to pay as little as possible when someone is training. Unfortunately you're in competition with 16 year olds who are paid a pittance and are seen as easier to work with. Do you know anyone who owns or manages a salon? it might be worth starting to network now if you don't so that your options are improved when you leave college.
yeah its so true, so annoying as I have so many other skills my 32 year old life has given me! No I dont know anyone one who owns or manages a salon! that would be handy! x
yeah its so true, so annoying as I have so many other skills my 32 year old life has given me! No I dont know anyone one who owns or manages a salon! that would be handy! x
I really feel for you but hairdressing is notoriously difficult to get into if you leave it a bit later. If you don't already visit a hairdressers, perhaps you could start going to one you like the look of. Once you build up a relationship with your stylist, you could casually drop into the conversation that you're looking for some work experience. If you're willing to work for free, I can't see why they'd say no.
I really feel for you but hairdressing is notoriously difficult to get into if you leave it a bit later. If you don't already visit a hairdressers, perhaps you could start going to one you like the look of. Once you build up a relationship with your stylist, you could casually drop into the conversation that you're looking for some work experience. If you're willing to work for free, I can't see why they'd say no.
Yeah there is one I am going to tomorrow that I would love to work at.. I did send them an email but they didnt reply but I might ask to speak to the manager tomorrow while I am getting my hair done..
I wouldn't bother replying if you hadn't bothered coming in to meet me yourself.

Show them that you're passionate and a people person by meeting these people.

You can follow up via email. But originally I believe you should go into the salon. I think it's more professional and polite.
If I'm honest if you had no previous salon experience and as a boss knew you needed me more than I needed you I wouldn't be prepared to pay you for your initial shifts, it would simply go down as temporary work experience unfortunately you start at the very bottom of the ladder and work your way up, be very clear that it is temporary maybe once/twice a week for a couple of months, prove yourself to be an asset before your time is up and go from there push for something permanent, if that fails start again elsewhere atleast each time you will have more experience
Hi Lisa, where abouts are you based? I have an assistant on a Saturday and sometimes through the week. I prefer to take on hairdressing students as assistants as they can rinse colours and shampoo etc... And then I provide extra training for them and they get their hair done for free and I pay too. Sometimes bring models if I have time. I'm not technically aloud to do this but we always have an agreement. Perhaps there is someone from your area on here that can help you.

It's tough when you're trying to balance family life and re-training. Hairdressing is such a brilliant career for someone like you - you just need that break to give you confidence.
Yeah there is one I am going to tomorrow that I would love to work at.. I did send them an email but they didnt reply but I might ask to speak to the manager tomorrow while I am getting my hair done..
Good luck, I hope it goes well
Tuesday's a pretty rubbish day to offer your services in a salon I'd say Saturday would be much more beneficial to a salon owner, if you approached me (by coming in and seeing me on a Tuesday while I was quieter) and asked if you could work Saturday for free to get some experience I'd probably say yes & give you a bit of money for your time, how come you don't have a regular Saturday job in a salon yet? Do you have a placement you go to every week?
Tuesday's a pretty rubbish day to offer your services in a salon I'd say Saturday would be much more beneficial to a salon owner, if you approached me (by coming in and seeing me on a Tuesday while I was quieter) and asked if you could work Saturday for free to get some experience I'd probably say yes & give you a bit of money for your time, how come you don't have a regular Saturday job in a salon yet? Do you have a placement you go to every week?
Yeah I guessed tuesday is not a great day.. placement wise we dont at we dont at level 3..we work in the salon at college which is pretty much booked up every week so I do learn lots from there but stil need a working salon experience.. we had one at level2.. To be honest it was awful.. they wouldnt let me do anything and they were so unprofessional
My husband works most saturdays and as he is the only one earning any money and we have two small children money is quite tight.. That was the whole idea that I would retrain while they where little so I would be able to earn some money in the future
Hi Lisa, where abouts are you based? I have an assistant on a Saturday and sometimes through the week. I prefer to take on hairdressing students as assistants as they can rinse colours and shampoo etc... And then I provide extra training for them and they get their hair done for free and I pay too. Sometimes bring models if I have time. I'm not technically aloud to do this but we always have an agreement. Perhaps there is someone from your area on here that can help you.

It's tough when you're trying to balance family life and re-training. Hairdressing is such a brilliant career for someone like you - you just need that break to give you confidence.
Im near Bath.. Yes thats the thing.. most places are
Hi Lisa, where abouts are you based? I have an assistant on a Saturday and sometimes through the week. I prefer to take on hairdressing students as assistants as they can rinse colours and shampoo etc... And then I provide extra training for them and they get their hair done for free and I pay too. Sometimes bring models if I have time. I'm not technically aloud to do this but we always have an agreement. Perhaps there is someone from your area on here that can help you.

It's tough when you're trying to balance family life and re-training. Hairdressing is such a brilliant career for someone like you - you just need that break to give you confidence.

Im near Bath. My husband works most saturdays and as he is the only one earning any money and we have two small children money is quite tight.. That was the whole idea that I would retrain while they where little so I would be able to earn some money in the future.. Recently I have been doing peoples hair on some Saturdays when hes not working and evenings and earning a bit of money and gaining experience and photos for my portfollio but maybe I should go into a salon and see if they need any help on a sat and whether I can bring people in. thanks for your help xx
I know it's tough but Saturday's are a hairdressers biggest and busiest day so I would highly recommend trying. I know it's tough. I have four kids and it's a constant balancing act!
Do you not have any friends or family that could watch your children?

I know if my friend/family needed help with childcare id be keen to help. If you found 4 people they'd only have to watch your kids once every 4 weeks. Minus yours and your hubbys holidays.
Friday and Saturday are the days a salon owner might be interested.
I have a staff member who started with me on a VOLUNTARY basis, on a Saturday....
Although I didn't pay her initially, I employ her now.

What I would say to those who like to comment on 'tight bas***d bosses, it is a two way street!
I believe I've filled in MASSIVE gapes in her knowledge....don't get me started on 'flaky' courses.:mad:
I believed in her, and felt with some work, we could improve her confidence and skills....
She had been unsuccessful in all the other salons she had visited, possibly due to the fact she is a newbie in her forties, and many salons now are run be owners in their twenties wanting a youthful team.:oops:

As others have said...GO IN and ask......, smiley face at the ready:)....ask for their help in polishing off your skills....offer to assist for FREE on a Fri/Saturday for say a month, and see how it goes.... GOOD LUCK!
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It's the first lesson of salon life ... Saturday is never your own ever again... I haven't had a Saturday off (unless it was a public holiday) since 2001 I have 3 kids, they've adapted to a one day weekend with mum lol, I found it awful hard to let them go with carers while I worked for little tiny bit of cash but it helped me work my way to where I am today :) now I let them count my takings on a Saturday they think it's amazing lol Defo gives them an incentive to work weekends when their bigger :D
I am coming towards the end of my hairdressing training at college (finish in June). I am fully aware that I need some salon experience but I cant seem to get in anywhere! Its quite frustrating as I am so passionate about hair but have emailed basically all the salons in my area and most of them didnt reply or if they did they said they dont need any help and I wouldn't get much out of being there! I am a bit worried when I finish in June I am not going to be able to get a job anywhere as all the jobs require salon experience... but I cant seem to get it! I have got loads of people who want me to do there hair (colour especially as thats my passion) and could even bring them some business!
Any advice welcome!

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