Chair rental problem


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New Member
Dec 17, 2010
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hi everyone am hoping for a pointer in the right direction and a bit of info,
i rent a chair on a 50/50 basis which to me seems quite high but having never rented thought it was the norm is this about the righ ratio?
i feel that as i am self employed its up to me when i work and what hours but when starting out here we agreed on my working fri and sat only, after a few months i was asked to work an extra day and i increased it to 3 day a week, which is fine, i also work mobile too but never on the days we agreed i would be in the salon as it would not be courtious, now a few months ago i was asked to work on a thurs too so the owner had someone for walk ins i said no as this is a busy mobile day but agreed to come in on a mobile basis if she booked people in, i very rarely take time off and have had too have 3 days off spread over a month,for which i worked other days to make it up, one day off to see my parent who lives abroad and has managed to visit whom i have not seen for 8 months, the owner has got in a strop with me because i refused to do a last minute booking on this day, and says i should be in more and stop working away from the salon and wants me to do more hours and is dictating when i should be in and is quite bullying about it, surely this is is employement if she wants to treat me like this, the hours i work i there i dont even get minimum wage, she also would not give me a contract when i started in there is this legal ? and can i just leave as i am really getting depressed in there, she sometimes has a go at other chair renters in front of customers too which is very unproffessional
can any one give me any points of view on this and advice and any where where i can find legal info on this area as she is also saying she might stop me working in there if i wont do as she says and work when she wants and stop working mobile. thank you in advance
i would tell her to stick it !! she sounds a money grabbing cow , you are self employed , when you work is up to you, you are not her employee , if she wants to boss you around then let her employ you !!
it seems some salon owner want to treat chair renters like they are employed and start dictating etc... i have had it and couldnt stand it , i have gone to a new place and set it out from the word go i will work these days etc.. and so far so good ,
tell het to stop bullying you or you will look for somewhere else x
Fisrt off, what does 50% get you? Who supplies advertizing, backbar, reception, and color? Etc..Who pays the taxes and such? When there is a conflict determining employee/self emplyed, you need to pick it apart.
You are also performing mobile, she might not be so open to that now that its getting busy.

That aside, it sounds like she is a bit of a trip....Any staff issues of any sort brought out in the open in front of clients would have me questioning my place there. No decent owner would do that.
You should be sitting down with her, agreeing to ALL terms of your (self) employment, and if she isnt open to this, you owe her nothing, the door is right there. You have the benefit of choosing for yourself.
hi thanks for replies,
the owner provides some of the materials others like extension products are provided by myself, i do all my own advertising, and the owner was made well aware of my mobile status prior to chair rental commencining, i am stictly proffessional i work the same hours each week in salon and salon customers are not made aware of me being mobile, so there is no conflict between salon work and mobile so owner has no reason to dispute it. on top of this the salon is a bit of a dump and does deter some customers but the owner refuses to update and ignores customer feedback refering to this, i think i may just move to save hassle.
forgot to add i pay all my own share of taxes too

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