Children close together


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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2012
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Tyne and Wear
Anyone else got children really close together?
My boys are 10 and a half months apart. Fell pregnant again when my first son was 8 weeks old!

Everyone says it must be really hard work but I don't know any different!
Would live to hear your experiences x
There is 1yr and 1day between my son and daughter. I can remember when I was in having my daughter thinking it was the worst pain ever and saying never again. Then when I went back 1 year later I got the same nurse who remembered me. She smiled and whispered in my ear "did you stop at the lakes on the way home the first time." :biggrin: My son was actually premature by 7 weeks. He got through it all and is a great guy.

Oh, forgot to say they have always been really close and always look out for one another. It was nearly like having twins xx
Anyone else got children really close together?
My boys are 10 and a half months apart. Fell pregnant again when my first son was 8 weeks old!

Everyone says it must be really hard work but I don't know any different!
Would live to hear your experiences x

My two youngest were 15 mins apart if that counts. It was epic beyond words when they were newborn, still can be now, but they're so worth it. And there's nothing quite like being left for 8 weeks, with newborn twins and 3 older kids, for making you a bit batty...or that's my excuse!! In fact, I'm still largely alone with them all, so I believe that explains everything ;) xx

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My two youngest were 15 mins apart if that counts. It was epic beyond words when they were newborn, still can be now, but they're so worth it. And there's nothing quite like being left for 8 weeks, with newborn twins and 3 older kids, for making you a bit batty...or that's my excuse!! In fact, I'm still largely alone with them all, so I believe that explains everything ;) xx

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Haha!! 2 mins between my twin girls. They're 3 yo now and driving me insane!
I have no idea whether newborn twins is more difficult than a newborn and a one yo - I think every situation with kids presents it's own problems!! It's all bloody hard work! Lol
3 girls in 3 yrs
All born in the same week of November


Was easy back then miss them being babies
Not quite as close as yours but my little boy turned 3 in September and my 2nd is due in 7 weeks :) xx

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Not quite as close as yours but my little boy turned 3 in September and my 2nd is due in 7 weeks :) xx

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Ooh I'm due in 7 weeks too! What's your due date, mines the 19th.
I have a little boy who will be 2 in jan so 23 months apart. I'm slightly dreading it as have 6 years between the first 2 which was a brilliant age gap x
Ooh I'm due in 7 weeks too! What's your due date, mines the 19th.
I have a little boy who will be 2 in jan so 23 months apart. I'm slightly dreading it as have 6 years between the first 2 which was a brilliant age gap x

I'm due the 18th! Really don't think I'll last till then though, my first was 3 weeks early and midwives think he could come anytime now! I'm getting very impatient! Lol xx

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I'm the other way by time this bump is born there will be exactly 9 years between my two. . . at one point my due date was my sons ninth birthday. I'm 32, 33 by time this monkey comes- I swear I've forgotten how to do everything despite 4 years ago being dept supervisor in the baby room of a nursery!!
Hats off to you ladies though :) xxx

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I'm the other way by time this bump is born there will be exactly 9 years between my two. . . at one point my due date was my sons ninth birthday. I'm 32, 33 by time this monkey comes- I swear I've forgotten how to do everything despite 4 years ago being dept supervisor in the baby room of a nursery!!
Hats off to you ladies though :) xxx

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Think I've forgotten already! Seems like years since I've changed a nappy! Lol xx

Sent from my HTC One X using SalonGeek mobile app
I'm the other way by time this bump is born there will be exactly 9 years between my two. . . at one point my due date was my sons ninth birthday. I'm 32, 33 by time this monkey comes- I swear I've forgotten how to do everything despite 4 years ago being dept supervisor in the baby room of a nursery!!
Hats off to you ladies though :) xxx

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My daughter was 7 weeks away from her 14th birthday when my son was born. (he has just turned 2yrs old). It really was like doing it for the first time. Lots has changed ie weaning age, formula ready made in cartons! who'd have thought? Lol! Prams are amazing and you can stick car seats on top!
My cousin has just announced her 3rd pregnancy. She has a 22yr old and a 14yr old. Now that's a gap!
I'm the other way by time this bump is born there will be exactly 9 years between my two. . . at one point my due date was my sons ninth birthday. I'm 32, 33 by time this monkey comes- I swear I've forgotten how to do everything despite 4 years ago being dept supervisor in the baby room of a nursery!!
Hats off to you ladies though :) xxx

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My daughter was 7 weeks away from her 14th birthday when my son was born. (he has just turned 2yrs old). It really was like doing it for the first time. Lots has changed ie weaning age, formula ready made in cartons! who'd have thought? Lol! Prams are amazing and you can stick car seats on top!
My cousin has just announced her 3rd pregnancy. She has a 22yr old and a 14yr old. Now that's a gap!
My son had just turned 1 when I found out I was pregnant with our second son. Now my youngest will be 1 next week and my oldest will be 3 in feb.
There is also 9 months between my youngest and my nephew, my sister in law fell pregnant the same week I had my son
I don't find it hard at the mo lol x

Leely x
I have a pretty big gap with mine. My eldest is 19, then have a 16 year old, an almost 9 year old, then the 22 month twinners. At least my eldest has moved in with his friends now!! I honestly never expected to have a 3rd baby, let alone another batch after that lol. But you never know what the future holds :) I love it xx

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I have 13months between my two there now 3 and 2 and little terrors! But there really close and love each other a lot.
They hate been apart and I like that there's only a year where one of them is at school alone x
Love hearing everyone's experiences! My boys with being so close in age are a rurally the same age for 1 month of every year!

In May this year they were both 2 until the end of June when my first boy turned 3! It really is hard to explain when people say how old are they? Are they twins? And I'm like no but they are biologically brothers haha!

The expression I've learned from my customers is "Irish twins" which apparently is the name given to siblings born within 12 months of each other!

Oh and ps I dress them the same, figures I may as well get away with it because they will get to a certain age and not let me any more!! So cute!!
It will be hard work for a few years, but think of all that freedom you will have when they are teenagers. You might be dropping them off to the same places and taking them to school together. Tha sounds perfect to me.

On the other hand, I have a SEVEN year gap between my boys. So when one finished primary school, one started. When one finished secondary school, the other started......And if I saw anymore nativitiy plays, I would have gone nuts!!

You will be fine, us Mums always cope somehow...xx
If anyone thinks they have it bad, think of me...

When my eldest daughter turns 20, her younger sister turns 13 and then when she turns 20, my littlest girly turns 13. Do the math...

21 years straight of teenage girls...kill me now...

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This isn't about me, but a clients daughter has a 8year old, a 6year old, twins of 18 months, and twins of 6 months. Eeeek!
She can't go out the door without help !!!! The family can't even all go out in 1 car just now !
My client is shattered helping out, but says her daughter is 'loving being a mum' !!!
11 months between my son and daughter
They are in the same year at school

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