Clients that don't speak?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
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I do hair extensions and lately have had clients that don't want to chat at all while I'm doing there hair. I try to start conversations but I just get one word replies lol does anyone else have this? I find silences quite uncomfortable as I like to chat a lot so don't know what to do to break the silence D:
Maybe play some soft music/radio, ask what they do, I feel incredibly rude now but I'm one of those "don't talk when I'm receiving a treatment" people [emoji87] maybe they are in a job that requires a lot of talking and when they get to the salon are ready to just relax and not think. - I actually get physically exhausted from talking (depending on the day) X
I do hair extensions and lately have had clients that don't want to chat at all while I'm doing there hair. I try to start conversations but I just get one word replies lol does anyone else have this? I find silences quite uncomfortable as I like to chat a lot so don't know what to do to break the silence D:

I'd call that a result! :p
Have the radio/music on in the back ground.:)
I have couple of clients that don't speak and I just leave it. They don't seem uncomfortable, they just aren't chatty.
Yeah I have some like that, I just think to myself that they must feel comfortable without chatting, as they have me back to do their hair.
I'm one of those ppl that goes to the hairdresser and I don't want to talk.

I spend all of my working hours chatting to clients, I don't want to do it in my own pamper time.

I did tell my hairdresser this from the start though. We have the usual "hi, how are you, how's business, family, etc" and then I get my kindle out and I'm happy reading, she's happy putting foils in my hair and we both just zone out and enjoy the quiet!
Once you get busier you will LOVE the ones that give you a break from talking! In the mean time, background music is great, ask a couple of general questions to see if they are chatty or not and if they're not then use the time to work on your speed! It's hard to chat and concentrate on speeding up. Or plan your day/what to have for dinner/the placement for your next client etc etc. It becomes quite therapeutic. Xx
I am also one of those non chatty clients. I will have the usual chat at the start of the treatment and then switch off I work in a job where I am talking all the time so for me treatments are a time to relax and catch up on my book/magazines or shamefully I have fallen asleep a couple of times getting a head massage,also have a slight hearing issue so it makes it hard for me to hear someone of they are talking behind me like when getting my hair done.I don't mean to be rude or to make anyone feel uncomfortable. I do love if there is music or the radio playing low in the background as the silence is as noticeable.
I love a silent client lol I don't talk much if I do it slows me down and just love a client that doesn't say much as I can crack on
me too lol ! and the ones that don't move their head haha! sometimes its nice to have a little chat though while your working! depends what mood your in! but I do prefer just getting the job done then getting out of there!
I talk with my hands and I find i stop working and concentrating
I'm usually back to back all day and to be honest it's quite nice to not have to talk to all of them I also get the job done quicker as I'm in the zone, in the last week or so though the clients with kids that don't usually want to talk seem to want to now they know I'm pregnant
Tbh when i get anything done I don't talk, its nice to have some chill time and just relax. It annoys me when the stylist or whoever is doing the treatment talks too much!
I love quiet clients but most of my clients love to chat a lot :oops:
Thanks for all your replies! Has made see now that some clients obviously must just like to relax and not chat rather then me taking it personally :)
Yeah deff don't take it personally Hun, like kamm said if they're coming back it's obviously not you they just aren't chatty [emoji4] I know that when I get tired talking is actually a really hard task, even if I am wanting to be part of a conversation it just drains me, luckily I have a couple of girls who are happy to chatter with not much commitment or expectation of response from me (they're also very close friends) so I do them at the end of the day [emoji23]

One of them works in childcare so after 7 hours with kids I 160% understand her "I don't want to talk to anyone" hahaha

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