CND videos


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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
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I've been watching a lot of the CND videos on YouTube on how to do acrylic and gel nail enhancements and I've noticed that they always do them square but then file them into an oval shape. Is there any reason for this? Why don't they just sculpt it into an oval shape from the start? Am I missing something? Lol xx

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It is easier to get your angles perfect when you start from square but it's not something written in stone and if you prefer to file your shape first then do so. I like to do my shaping last thing personally then it is right and I don't need to make any adjustments.
It is easier to get your angles perfect when you start from square but it's not something written in stone and if you prefer to file your shape first then do so. I like to do my shaping last thing personally then it is right and I don't need to make any adjustments.

I do think it looks easier doing it square first I just thought it looked like your making more work for yourself having to file it all away. I'll do it this way and see how I get on :) xx

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When you use a tip would you file the shape first then apply the acrylic? X

Sent from my HTC One X using SalonGeek mobile app
I do think it looks easier doing it square first I just thought it looked like your making more work for yourself having to file it all away. I'll do it this way and see how I get on :) xx

Sent from my HTC One X using SalonGeek mobile app
It really doesn't take long to file CND. .. It files super fast.

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