Consultation form


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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
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Would anyone have a consultation form template I can pinch and use? I have the basic client record cards but don't feel they are professional enough.
Does anyone have a A4 form with a full check list of things I can get the clients to read through and sign before treatments. Something generic for all clients and all treatments.

Hi, I'm starting out and afterthought same thing. Did you have any luck with finding anything? Xx
Sorry predictive text, meant to say I'm after the same thing. Xx
I had mine designed by Carl @Verve Designs.

He designs one to your colour scheme/includes a logo & you simply print them at home as & when you need them.

I cant remember how much they are off the top of my head (hes done a fair few bits for me) but check him out on Facebook- im sure its under £20, so very reasonable for saving you the faff of doing it, and looks very proffessional xx
Thanks for the recommend (I nearly put your real name on here then- I never know if that's a good thing to do or not!)- I'll call you Minkey ;)

Yep- I do a "generic" consultation form that's designed (with help from a few clients) to cover most things.

It's an A4 "print at home" sheet that has the consultation form on one side and a client record on the other. We take that generic form, rebrand it with your details, logo and colours etc...and then send it to you as a hi-res PDF that you can print off at home whenever you need a batch!

They're £15 (you must be able to provide a proper 300dpi logo though- or have had one designed by us previously) or you can have a chat with us about getting a proper logo done at the same time if you don't have one!

Here's a link to one that we did
Thanks for the recommend (I nearly put your real name on here then- I never know if that's a good thing to do or not!)- I'll call you Minkey ;)

Yep- I do a "generic" consultation form that's designed (with help from a few clients) to cover most things.

It's an A4 "print at home" sheet that has the consultation form on one side and a client record on the other. We take that generic form, rebrand it with your details, logo and colours etc...and then send it to you as a hi-res PDF that you can print off at home whenever you need a batch!

They're £15 (you must be able to provide a proper 300dpi logo though- or have had one designed by us previously) or you can have a chat with us about getting a proper logo done at the same time if you don't have one!

Here's a link to one that we did

Ooh I didn't know you did this! I've been thinking about getting a logo designed by you so I will definitely be in touch soon!
Thanks for the recommend (I nearly put your real name on here then- I never know if that's a good thing to do or not!)- I'll call you Minkey ;)

Yep- I do a "generic" consultation form that's designed (with help from a few clients) to cover most things.

It's an A4 "print at home" sheet that has the consultation form on one side and a client record on the other. We take that generic form, rebrand it with your details, logo and colours etc...and then send it to you as a hi-res PDF that you can print off at home whenever you need a batch!

They're £15 (you must be able to provide a proper 300dpi logo though- or have had one designed by us previously) or you can have a chat with us about getting a proper logo done at the same time if you don't have one!

Here's a link to one that we did

Michelle/minky- i answer to most things & can guarantee Ive been called a lot worse haha!

15 quids a bargain!! :) I print off a few at a time & have them attached to black clip boards (from the pound shop- im cheap!) with a nice pen & have them at reception & my nail desk. Very proffessional :D xx

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