Dashing Divas anyone? What is it???


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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
North Wales
Hey all

I was just browsing S2 and I came across this...promising to give the perfect French Manicure. What exactly is it? How does it work? How is it applied? I have to admit I'm not the best at doing free-hand Frenches...is this worth adding to my price list? And if so...how do you guys price it?

Any advice/ideas would be much appreciated!

C x
its pretty cool to be honest...a slither of white thats applied using the applicator and the adhesive...overlya with either their base/topcoat (removes with acetone as you would enamel) or with your own L&P/gel for a more permanent finish.

there is already a Dashing Divas thread running at the moment and i have downloaded a pic of before and after on my daughter...you can find it by doing a search on here for Dashing Diva HTH
I did my first set of divas today and overlayed with L&P, great looking smile line, wondering if this could replace white L&P for some clients. Waiting for rebalance to decide.
That's a good point...so how exactly do you rebalance?

Do you need training to use this product?
Super product, just makes french mani a breeze and great for clients with short free edges fives such a crisp finish.

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