Do you ask for a deposit?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there

Just wondering how many of you guys charge a deposit to your clients? I have recently had quite a few clients book appointments and then not turn up for the. I am thinking of charging a deposit when people book, but just wondered if anyone had tried this and whether they have found it successful?


hello natalie,
yes i do take credit card details and we have a policy of at least 24hrs notice required to cancel or we charge 50%
We started it Jan 1st this year and my no show rate is almost zero.
I never had a huge problem with no shows but i would find there would be none for ages and then a day that turned into nothing because most didnt turn up.
I have had three people not want to give there details two regulars - one calls on day and has last minute appt the other leaves 50% cash deposit. third girl was new client who messed appt around so much i dont think she would have turned up anyway.
please note to keep in line with data protection we have all info on our salon system which is pass word protected and we state on our cons cards that we will not pass details on to 3rd parties.
we also sms everyone 24hrs before to remind them of appt.
Our policy is clearly stated on all lit and framed behind reception desk
hope this helps

lucy xxxx:lol:
So how would you get round this if your mobile, I suppose youd only be able to take cheque deposits then.
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:confused:apart from what has just been mentioned above how else would you take the deposit from a phone call? Personally I wouldn't want to give my card details to anyone, so I think you just have to trust your clients, sometimes you can tell if they will turn up or not.
I do pamper parties and didn't used to ask for a deposit, but I am starting to now because this last month I have had 3 big parties cancel at very short notice, when I could have had other parties booked in if I had known:irked: so I do get them now to send a cheque for the deposit, but in my normal day to day hair/beauty clients then I dont.
So how would you get round this if your mobile, I suppose youd only be able to take cheque deposits then.

The difference being mobile is that you actually turn up on their doorstep!! As a mobile I always call any no-shows (which are few and far between tbh, and I always get a 'feeling') so they have to explain themselves.....!!! There have been a couple where I've gone, no-one is in, no reply from the phone, no return of a message and never hear from them again!! It doesn't happen much though.

I believe salon suffer more from no-shows than mobile techs because people believe a salon can manage without them iykwim.
Ok , havent experienced it yet,but just wanted to know in case it did start to happen.
Ok , havent experienced it yet,but just wanted to know in case it did start to happen.

I've had 6 or so in 3 years - so not a big problem for me (although v. annoying when I get one!!).

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