Does anyone offer dry body brushing


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Hi everyone
Does anyone offer only dry body brushing on its own as it has been requested by clients. If so, for how long and at what price????? I have been asked if we can do it for 30mins. Comments please:)
Not on its own but its always been part of our treatsments such as massage before the treatment begins. If the client would like a body brush then offer it before treatment starts and foing by what they are asking then use a body scrub. Retail the brush after though and explain the benefits of scrub over brush to sell the treatment. Hth

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Half hour treatment It depends how long it takes you to do. Then let them relax a little at the end maybe. If they want it then why not :)

Laura xx
We offer dry body brush then full body exfo and it's a 30 min treatment. Do the whole right side on the back of the body then the whole left side then turn them over and do the same. Then exfo the same way :) doesn't take as long as you may think x
We offer dry body brush then full body exfo and it's a 30 min treatment. Do the whole right side on the back of the body then the whole left side then turn them over and do the same. Then exfo the same way :) doesn't take as long as you may think x

This sounds like the espa routine :)
Id like to learn how to do the body brush /body scrub / detox mask type thing.

Where would I learn something like that? Would it have to be a product specific course or are there general ones out there?

Personally I love a body brush before a massage. :D
Id like to learn how to do the body brush /body scrub / detox mask type thing.

Where would I learn something like that? Would it have to be a product specific course or are there general ones out there?

Personally I love a body brush before a massage. :D

Good question. Some spa brands like espa and elemis train people in this. In terms of qualifications, I think exfoliation and wraps are included in some spa route level 3 courses.
So Can dry body brushing for 30mins with moisturising be offered.
So Can dry body brushing for 30mins with moisturising be offered.

Yes we do dry body brushing and moisturising as part of our 30 minute express pamper party treatments. :)
Yes we do dry body brushing and moisturising as part of our 30 minute express pamper party treatments. :)

What name have u given this treatment and at what price
It's part of our pamper party packages so it's a straight £20, I think we call it Body Polish & Moisturise

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