Does pregnancy make your nails week??


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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Hi Everyone

I have a client who comes to me for regular manicures. She had a baby about 8 months ago. Since then her nails have become weaker and weaker and now have started peeling.

I have recommended all sorts of different things to strengthen the nail but nothing seems to work. She recently had a full blood test and everything come back normal.

Any thoughts - does pregnancy or post pregnancy make your nails week.

I always found that they were mega stong and grew well when pg, like your hair is thicker when pg.:)


as soon as you've had the baby the extra hormones vanish and so does the beautiful nails and hair.:cry: It actually looks like you are losing more hair than normal but its just the ones that didnt fallout when you were pg

I was told you either lose a tooth:Scared: or your nails:Scared: after having a baby, i lost my nails but they are starting to recover at last.

Em x
Unfortuantly when I was pregnant my nails were still very weak:rolleyes: .

My hair did grow along stonger and went lovely and shinny. Unfortuantly when my baby was born my hair started going grey!!!!!!!!!!:cry: I am only 26!

I will look like my nan by time I am 30.

Dont cry, DYE

I will never know when i go grey:) might even be grey already
i know this is nothing to do with the thread, sorry xxx

but why is it when a woman goes grey its omg she is grey and old but when a man goes grey its ohhh he is sophisticated.
My other half is abit grey and calls himself a silver fox, lmao its just gray.

And as for nails...i have 3 children and with all 3 my hair and nails were fab i think its natures way of saying sorry for making us all bloated with rubbish bladders. But after the birth, well... nature just gives up on us and i was back with limp hair and thin nails.

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