I have used them personally and although they are lovely I have to agree with Martin that I could not go with the no night treatment, for me personally it just did not work so I ended up using the products at night which is contra to thier advice. I have known two therapist who used the range professionally and are trained Dr Hauschka Estheticians so used nothing else and were approved to sell the products. You need to be trained and approved by them and I am led to believe they are quite strict regarding product use, colour scheme etc. I just think it is a bit hard to convince people not to use a night range which is why they have now budged and brought out a night serum even though they claim it is a time when the skin should be left alone and untouched, seems a bit of a u-turn. That said, they are lovely products that have stood the test of time and obviously organic and very holistic and have a bit of a cult following for that reason and go along with the totally holistic anthroposical (thinks that is how you spell it, look up Rudolf Steiner) theory of bio dynamic mind/body medicine. x