Eve Taylor retail


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Oct 22, 2013
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I had a problem with selling eve taylor products. They stock in my shop over a year and only sell a small amount. i had spend over £800 on ET and dose't feel with any support:sad: i have no idea what should do with the product now. can any one help, please? Thank you very much!:Love:
Hi There! I retail a lot of Eve Taylor Products and have no difficultly in doing so. I learn all about my products and pass my knowledge on to my client explaining in detail how each product works. I also make up little gift sets which sell well. I am good at retail. I am good at emphasising how good products are and my passion always comes through, and I have samples of everything.
The key to successful retailing boils down to the following things:
Absolute and utter belief in the efficacy of the products
A comprehensive understanding of the skin and its issues
A comprehensive understanding of how the products work
A genuine desire to improve the quality of the skin

When you talk about support, what kind of support were you expecting?
Hi There! I retail a lot of Eve Taylor Products and have no difficultly in doing so. I learn all about my products and pass my knowledge on to my client explaining in detail how each product works. I also make up little gift sets which sell well. I am good at retail. I am good at emphasising how good products are and my passion always comes through, and I have samples of everything.

Thank you for your commend. but how do you sell ET products to clients? most of them have never heard of this brand. should i need to go for ET training to improve my knowledge? Thanks
Hello,Lynne. I was send you an email yesterday request more information of swissdermyl products and sample. but not sure you have got it? i not been train with ET product before, i tried my best to understand the product. i might need to be more confident speak to clients.
Confidence in yourself and knowledge of products is vital when it comes to retail!
Hello,Lynne. I was send you an email yesterday request more information of swissdermyl products and sample. but not sure you have got it? i not been train with ET product before, i tried my best to understand the product. i might need to be more confident speak to clients.

Yep, got the email!
I was teaching in Cardiff all day yesterday so couldn't respond to you. We'll send you some info and some samples too!

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