First hair up


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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
My first attempt at a hair up, most extravagant thing I had done before this was a plait lol,....lots and lots of practice needed :-0 ....


  • image.jpg
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Looks fab well done x
Thank you Hun, as a hair newby if anyone can give me some pointers I would be very grateful, I realise lots and lots and lots of practice, luckily my 8 yr old daughter has hair past her bottom lol x
Thank you Hun, as a hair newby if anyone can give me some pointers I would be very grateful, I realise lots and lots and lots of practice, luckily my 8 yr old daughter has hair past her bottom lol x
Looks good!

You hid the pins well! :) Really good for first time, now you have your good structure you can progress. All it needs is a little tweaking, things you will learn with experience and you're good to go! Xx
If your asking little tips..

I would say next time..

If your backcombing at the crown to backcomb and remember to learn a section of the hair free so you can pin the back combed hair and smooth the front over to give it a better finish.

And with the curls it differs on the outcome you are trying to achieve , if you use straighteners and use both hands and almost with two fingers roll up the section of hair so it creates a smooth curl and pin it. And smooth with hairspray..

I always plan my bridal hair in my head first so I know bits I'm not going to use or bits I need to add in (extensions).

And you will with experience pick the best style to suit there face shape and compliment them!


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