does not contain any of the well known allergens contained in all other gels (gluteraldehyde, formaldehyde, acrylates). It is indeed different based on L&P technology and not urethane .
this is not entirely true, brisa does infact contain acrylate monomers and oligomers (as do all traditional gels, to my knowledge), and it IS infact a Urethane Methacrylate based product.
Pinky, I wont bother getting into the "difference" between brisa and the other products you asked about as you will just be told opposite by others even if my info is based on fact pulled directly from the MSDSs... look at the ingredients and if they are named different look up THOSE msds's and you will find they are all methacrylate monomers and oligomers
Im not saying all gels are created equal, this would certinaly not be true, but there is not a super miracle gel, chemically they are all very similar (in the same family of acrylates). there are obviously different measurements and additives that make each system unique and its worth sampling them and finding out what works for you and your clients. Im sure youre smart enough to figure it out, its not rocket science afterall
Dont let yourself be fooled by marketing hype (you will see a LOT LOT LOT of that here - even though this is supposed to be a networking and educational site for PROFESSIONALS, you'd never know it) always do your homework.