Put your notes on postcard sized pieces of card, tied together so they don't drop on the floor and get mixed up.
Put your notes as points. Don't write them out in full, or you will just end up reading from the card.
Practise your presentation out loud, standing up as you will probally be doing so. It isn't good enough to just say it "in your head".
Time your presentation when doing the above, so you know if you are too long or too short.
Make sure you breathe properly during your presentation! Otherwise you will start to run out of breath before the end of your sentence.
Try to slow down your speech, don't talk too fast. Don't mumble or speak too quietly.
Make sure you give eye contact with your audience.
Remember that your audience is interested in you, what you are saying and want you to do well. They are "on your side".
Give time for questions at the end or any other appropriate points.
A few pointers for you. Hope they help, and good luck :hug: