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Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Hi everyone, I have been reading a lot on this site so I finally decided to register! I am so happy I have found this site, you all are so helpful and brilliant! I currently am a stay at home mommy but will hopefully be going back to school when my daughter is a little older. I attended Aveda Institute and was about halfway through when I became pregnant. My morning sickness lasted until I was 7 months along so I had to take a leave of absence and haven't returned. I have maintained most of the knowledge I acquired in school since I have not stopped cutting, coloring, studying, etc since leaving school but sadly I am not licensed yet. Before becoming a full time stay at home mommy I was doing bi weekly makeover events at Kohl's. I have done a lot with makeup both airbrush and traditional and just love everything beauty related! If feels good to feel pretty and to make other people feel good about themselves! Anyways, this is really lengthy but I just wanted to introduce myself :)
Hellloooo to you too :) x
welcome aboard !
Welcome :)

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