Im currently on maternity leave which im due to finish in January. My baby is now 3 months old and im thniking of working the 10 'keeping in touch' days that you are allowed to do whilst getting Maternity Allowance.
I have a few very good clients who normally have pedicures from me once a month (I am mobile by the way) and they are the first people id be offering appointments to being loyal clients..
However, the problem im having is that whilst pregnant i had major trouble with my back, it started in the first month of my pregnancy and i ended up on crutches by half way through right up until i had my son. Although im a lot better now, the pains in my hips and legs have gone that was caused by my back, but im still getting alot of trouble with back ache and basically feeling like its seizing up at times.
Im waiting to go back for more physio but need to find a way of doing pedicures without putting too much strain on my back. I normally use a pedicure stool that has a footrest for the client but i find that im bending over alot with this and worry this may cause me more probs. I was thinking of getting a small bean bag or something and having the clients foot resting on my knees (over a towel of course!) but am worried this wouldnt be very proffessional!!
I just dont know what to do to be honest, im really missing working at the mo and am concerned about leaving my clients for too long! But at the same time ive got to be sooo careful with my back! Even bending over to change my son or standing for a few minutes holding him causes backache! Is there a way round this for me do you think or do you think i should maybe write to my clients or even telephone them and explain that im going to have to be taking my full maternity leave because of my back and apologise for the inconvenience etc...
I did write to them just after having my son to announce the birth (just as they had requested i do!) and i put in the letter that id be in touch just after the summer to offer a small amount of appointments while on maternity leave - now i feel like im letting them down!:|
Im currently on maternity leave which im due to finish in January. My baby is now 3 months old and im thniking of working the 10 'keeping in touch' days that you are allowed to do whilst getting Maternity Allowance.
I have a few very good clients who normally have pedicures from me once a month (I am mobile by the way) and they are the first people id be offering appointments to being loyal clients..
However, the problem im having is that whilst pregnant i had major trouble with my back, it started in the first month of my pregnancy and i ended up on crutches by half way through right up until i had my son. Although im a lot better now, the pains in my hips and legs have gone that was caused by my back, but im still getting alot of trouble with back ache and basically feeling like its seizing up at times.
Im waiting to go back for more physio but need to find a way of doing pedicures without putting too much strain on my back. I normally use a pedicure stool that has a footrest for the client but i find that im bending over alot with this and worry this may cause me more probs. I was thinking of getting a small bean bag or something and having the clients foot resting on my knees (over a towel of course!) but am worried this wouldnt be very proffessional!!
I just dont know what to do to be honest, im really missing working at the mo and am concerned about leaving my clients for too long! But at the same time ive got to be sooo careful with my back! Even bending over to change my son or standing for a few minutes holding him causes backache! Is there a way round this for me do you think or do you think i should maybe write to my clients or even telephone them and explain that im going to have to be taking my full maternity leave because of my back and apologise for the inconvenience etc...
I did write to them just after having my son to announce the birth (just as they had requested i do!) and i put in the letter that id be in touch just after the summer to offer a small amount of appointments while on maternity leave - now i feel like im letting them down!:|