Help! Should I do it?


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Love Lottie Beauty
Jan 13, 2013
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I have a little beauty salon that I love! I opened it November'13 and its going really well, it is only little but is busy and there isn't any more room to grow, however I was 20 when I opened it and it is my pride and joy! I have had an opportunity to take on another salon 5 minutes away, but it is hair dressing and beauty, I did train to be a hair dresser as well but haven't done it for about 3 years or built a client base, is it worth me taking the move? it would have more beauty treatment rooms then I have now so help the beauty grow, where do I even start at opening a hairdressers? Any advice would be brilliant! Thank you, L x
Could you take on a stylist? Either paid or chair rent?
Yes, I would take my two beauy therapists with me and employ one full time one part time stylist, L x
What you waiting for then? As Nike says 'just do it' :D
Good luck!
I have a little beauty salon that I love! I opened it November'13 and its going really well, it is only little but is busy and there isn't any more room to grow, however I was 20 when I opened it and it is my pride and joy! I have had an opportunity to take on another salon 5 minutes away, but it is hair dressing and beauty, I did train to be a hair dresser as well but haven't done it for about 3 years or built a client base, is it worth me taking the move? it would have more beauty treatment rooms then I have now so help the beauty grow, where do I even start at opening a hairdressers? Any advice would be brilliant! Thank you, L x

Arrrrgh! Decisions like this are so difficult aren't they?!! Whilst you wish someone could just tell you what the right thing to do is, they can't! No one knows what is right wrong or best but if your instincts are telling you this could be a good thing then id say listen to them! If it excites you and ignites your passion then go for it!

There is no set path, just follow your heart.
Why not open it initially as beauty only.
Later on, if the demand is there, find a good stylist, and reinstate the hairdressing side of the business.
Don't spread yourself too thin, by neglecting the beauty side, which is what is proving successful for you at this time. :)
I think there's different rules and regulations from opening a beauty salon to opening a hairdressing salon with beauty rooms. I think you need more permission/change the class of the shop...I am not entirely sure but I remember there being less hoops to jump through if you were a hairdressers with beauty rooms than just solely beauty. This was years ago when I was looking into it, so I could be wrong :) xxxx
Hi, I'm about go into my own salon later this year and the premises were a hairdressers with beauty downstairs, but I will be making it into beauty only. Just sticking to what I know :) the class of the shop is same for beauty and hairdressing so there's no issue there. good luck
Do you know what the building is classed as now? Hair and beauty is A1 but beauty only is SG.
If you open as beauty only its worth finding out how easy it is to then change to A1.
In saying that if you're nearing the end of your lease and the paperwork works out GO FOR IT.
Onwards and upwards. Good luck x x x
Oh and congratulations on opening a whole salon in the first place at only 20 - fabulous x
Thank you all for your replys, the problem is it's freehold so i'm really nervous! The building I have on my current salon is also freehold so it would be a case of selling this one to pay off that one if that makes any sense! I know business wise it would be the best decision but I'm worried financially! L x
Do you know what the building is classed as now? Hair and beauty is A1 but beauty only is SG.
If you open as beauty only its worth finding out how easy it is to then change to A1.
In saying that if you're nearing the end of your lease and the paperwork works out GO FOR IT.
Onwards and upwards. Good luck x x x
Oh and congratulations on opening a whole salon in the first place at only 20 - fabulous x

Yes you are right about beauty being sui generis- that is what makes it so easy for beauticians to pop up in garages as garages have same classing. Tanning studios funnily enough fall under this category too.

Just had to look that up- but thanks for the interesting informative fact.

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