Hi, I am studying Essentials Nails courses, I love it and I decided to have all of them. I hoped if after long long practise I will be good, my dream is home business. Now I am renting flat with my boyfriend where is no spare room, so I went to our agency and asked, if it is allright, when we would rent bigger flat with one more room, it this room could be used for my Nail technician business. At that time there was woman, who is always unfriendly and she began laugh, that it is against law to live and have business in rented flat. So I spend next few days on internet also on this site, I spoke with my neighbour who has friends with home business in rented flat and everywhere I find informations that it is allright. Could you please write, if you have home business in your own or rented flat? I also can not find , where could be problem...It would be really stupid, if I would need my own flat, just to have :cry:home business....thank you for your advise.