How not to do customer service/legal claim?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

This is going to be a long post so apologies and is a mixture of advice on how not to treat customers and me seeking legal advice from the experts here.

Here it goes...

As many might already know, me and Miss Penguin moved to the West Country about 18months ago now. Certain things like Shellac and HD Brows are hard to find someone to do round here - very different to Essex ;)

Miss Penguin was recommended someone by work colleagues who had her own shop about 10 mins from work and home - ideal.

She booked an appointment for a Friday several weeks ago for straight after work. This day she actually accidentally left her mobile at home. She finished work, went to the shop, no one where. Place locked up and lights off. She knocked on the door etc to double check no one out back or upstairs and nothing. She came home to my surprise much earlier than I expected her and I said I thought she was getting her nails and brows done? She told me the place was locked up. Odd. She grabbed her phone she left behind and 10mins before the appointment time she did get a text saying 'Sorry - can't get childcare'. No missed call etc though.

Miss Penguin replied 'K' - and I'm sure all you ladies know, when a women sends a text saying K it most certainly isn't ok and the man should probably go buy some wine and chocolate lol.

No response to the K text after 24hrs. She sends another saying 'are you going to rebook me or?...'

She texts back 'well I'm going on holiday with my boyfriend'. That was it! Shocking.

Several weeks go by and she texts out the blue apologising and offering to rebook and Miss Penguin foolishly did as she was one of the only HD brows people in the area.

(I get the following from Miss Penguin) Fast forward to yesterday - Miss Penguin turns up, the place was open (good start), no pleasantries just says 'nails and brows yeah?' So she was like errr yeah.... Didn't talk to her once throughout either treatment and acted totally dissinterested. And said have you got any £5's? So Miss Penguin was like yes. She was like ok good because I have no change. It twigged to Miss Penguin that this place must be cash only - no forewarning! - so she text me to leave the office, go the cash point and then take the cash. Wouldn't accept PayPal or Bacs as I could of done it instantly from my office. What a lot of hassle.

I turn up with the cash, go in, stand there.... And stand there...and stand there... She just looks at me like a bit of dirt and doesn't even acknowledge me while finishing Miss Penguins Nails so I help myself to sit on her little sofa. I can see her doing her nails (I've seen this done quite often at various places as Miss Penguin doesn't drive so I'm her taxi) and I can't believe how disinterested she looks. Literally no small talk. Staring into space. Her whole attitude and body language tells it all.

Phone rings and she proceeds to answer it. Miss Penguin says you're busy today which I rightly assumed this wasn't the first time she interrupted the treatments to answer the phone. After speaking to her once we left she said they were all personal calls. Ridiculous.

The ladies daughter turned up, she engaged with her paying no attention to the treatment she was doing.

We swiftly paid and left and won't be returning.

This isn't how customers should be treated.

Today she has woke up with prominent red marks on both eyelids and she says they're very sore. I quizzed her and she had NO PATCH TEST! Miss Penguin completely forgot she didn't even ask to do one.

I'm furious and they're prominent. If they aren't going to go down by Monday she is going to look very silly at her corporate job. I want to get this women's insurance details and certainly raise this with them. How would I go about it?

Pictures coming later.

Thanks in advance,
Mr Penguin
Take pictures and contact the salon immediately. Tell her what's happened. Tell her that your partner didn't get patch tested and she's reacted badly. If she is as disinterested as she appears, you may not hear back. Can I ask what she paid. Was this genuine HD brows? Do they look okay apart from the redness? Did she wax then tint or did she tint first?

Get miss penguin some top top mineral make up to cover. This will not aggravate the soreness and redness. Something like Jane Iredale.

Hope all ok x
If Mrs Penguin has had HDs in the past it is also unlikely (though not impossible) that she has reacted to the tint. It sounds more like a skin graze from the waxing, but this is total conjecture on my part.

It's totally unprofessional to proceed with treatment without a patch test as you already know, but if this is indeed a skin graze it will heal quickly and I'm not sure how much legal recourse there will be.

I hope it heals quickly for her whatever the cause :(
Take pictures and contact the salon immediately. Tell her what's happened. Tell her that your partner didn't get patch tested and she's reacted badly. If she is as disinterested as she appears, you may not hear back. Can I ask what she paid. Was this genuine HD brows? Do they look okay apart from the redness? Did she wax then tint or did she tint first?

Get miss penguin some top top mineral make up to cover. This will not aggravate the soreness and redness. Something like Jane Iredale.

Hope all ok x

Thanks for the help.

She paid £45 for HD and Gel Polish fingers. I saw her HD brows certificate on the wall while I was standing there like a wally.

I saw her polish cabinet and saw she didn't have many colours and she talking Miss Penguin out of shellac saying its rubbish and more of a 'weekend' polish. Even I know that's not really the case. Couldn't see a CND certificate so could be the Shellacs you get on eBay/Amazon. Miss Penguin noticed it was some knock off version of IBX or something similar used.

If we don't hear back from the salon. Where do we go from there? If she doesn't want to give us insurance details who can we go to? I think we have her full name.
If Mrs Penguin has had HDs in the past it is also unlikely (though not impossible) that she has reacted to the tint. It sounds more like a skin graze from the waxing, but this is total conjecture on my part.

It's totally unprofessional to proceed with treatment without a patch test as you already know, but if this is indeed a skin graze it will heal quickly and I'm not sure how much legal recourse there will be.

I hope it heals quickly for her whatever the cause :(
Sounds quite possibly this. I'll get pics so the professionals can best judge.
Sudocrem will help heal the wax graze a little quicker and ease the discomfort.

You're probably best contacting HD and making a complaint to them as they are the ones who can limit her account etc if she's found not to be doing the treatment as taught.

I'm not sure what the insurance company would do in all honesty unless you were taking it legal. How much interest they would show otherwise, I don't know .

Sadly due to her attitude towards a new client I don't hold high hopes on any complaint made. it sounds like she just doesn't care.
You don't need to know her insurance details.

Any claim for negligence is between you and the salon. She will need to contact her insurer if you threaten to pursue action as she will need them to fund her legal defence or cover any damages awarded.
Sounds like marks from threading to me
Sadly Miss Penguin wants to just forget about it all. Didn't even bother complaining to get her money back. Silly really. All her nails were cracked in 24hrs and I do all the house work so not from graft lmao. Don't tell her that ;)

She didn't have threading so wasn't from that :)
Sadly Miss Penguin wants to just forget about it all. Didn't even bother complaining to get her money back. Silly really. All her nails were cracked in 24hrs and I do all the house work so not from graft lmao. Don't tell her that ;)

She didn't have threading so wasn't from that :)
They should of done some threading if she had HD brows or otherwise they are just using the name and not actually following the correct procedure
They should of done some threading if she had HD brows or otherwise they are just using the name and not actually following the correct procedure
Just checked with Miss Penguin and she said the therapist said "threading was more effort then what's it worth".
Just checked with Miss Penguin and she said the therapist said "threading was more effort then what's it worth".
I would report her to HD brow then as she is advertising she is doing them and not following the procedure she was taught by them!

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