How to buy a salon that's not for sale?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Has anyone got experience of buying a salon that wasn't advertised for sale on the open market?

Please would any wise geeks recommend the best way to sound out/approach an owner.
Has anyone got experience of buying a salon that wasn't advertised for sale on the open market?

Please would any wise geeks recommend the best way to sound out/approach an owner.

Is it for sale though, some salons are for sale on the open market and some are for sale but are not listed with a transfer agent. - if you want information the best thing to do is ask the question to the owner, ask if you can arrange a meeting with them at the end of the day for a few minutes, if they ask why, just say it's personal or confidential. They will see you I'm sure.
Thank you for your advice, Virtues.
I think the first thing you need to do is to make sure that you can afford what the owner is likely to want for the business. The second thing to remember is that often a business is about the people running it and actually doing the treatments rather than the location.

Why do you want to buy this place rather than start one of your own, is it the location or the business itself. If an owner is not actually wanting to sell they will add a premium to the price to make it worth their while so it may not be as good a deal as you would want. :wink2:
Thank you, She.

Yes, you're right, affordability is key. The thing with the salon I'm looking at is that it's well-established and I know it has untapped potential. I also know that the owner has recently had a change of personal circumstances and so might welcome selling up.

Its attraction is that it's ready to go from day one and could be improved in many ways.

As you say, it might be a better option to set up from scratch, though, and build it up over time. I'm hesitating a bit as it would be the first time for me, although thanks to the awesome threads I've read on SG over the past year plans are coming together nicely. :biggrin:
When I closed my salon (admittedly it wasn't sold) a guy literally walked in one day and asked if I was thinking about leaving the premises as he was looking for a shop in the area (not as a beauty salon)! One premise was available a few doors away, but mine was more central so he preferred that! As my lease was up and I was out of contract, it was perfect!

Moral of this long post: if you don't ask, you don't get! He asked, he got - and I got out of a tricky delapidations clause :biggrin:

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