Ok the difference between advertsing and marketing can be hard to define, but advertising is like standing in the middle of the town centre shouting "SPRAY TANS FOR A TENNER" and hoping to god somebody in the town centre will want a spray tan!
Marketing is about figuring out which people are likely to want a spray tan, figuring out where they will be and then getting your message to them.
So its about targeting your audience.
SO you need to get a huge piece of paper and some pens and get ready to brainstorm.
Think of just 1 type of client you would like to appeal to......young mums, Older teens, dancers, ladies what lunch (lol), you get the idea
Take 1 of these client types, you are now going to build a client profile....
Where would this type of client be, write all the places they might be found,
Then think of all the types of offers/services that might appeal to them.......
Then do it for your next type of client......
By the end of this you should have a comprehensive list of client profiles....And these are the people you need to get your leaflets, postcards and flyers out to and now you will know exactly where to target!!
A thinking I may do a tutorial on this at some point.