Lelli Loo Loo
How To Make A 3D Rose.
To begin with choose what colour you want your rose to be, I find most colours look good.
I use EZ-Flow coloured powders for 3d work, They come in small pots and a varied range of colours.
Start by taking a small bead of your chosen colour, And place onto a small piece of cling film or plastic. Take your brush and flatten the bead down and pull out at the sides to make a strip, Curve the ends slightly.
Once the strip starts to set (a minute or so) remove carefully off the plastic and roll it in between your first finger and thumb. Roll so that the top end is slightly open. Pince the bottom of the roll. This is the centre of your rose.
Next do the same thing, But this time use a slightly bigger bead.
Once removed off the plastic add to the centre piece that you have made, Wrap this new piece round the centre, leaving slightly open at top edge. Continue to do this until the rose is the size required.
To make a open petal rose, Do the centre the same as above,But then use small beads to make small teardrop shapes. These can then be added to the centre piece using resin to secure
To begin with choose what colour you want your rose to be, I find most colours look good.
I use EZ-Flow coloured powders for 3d work, They come in small pots and a varied range of colours.
Start by taking a small bead of your chosen colour, And place onto a small piece of cling film or plastic. Take your brush and flatten the bead down and pull out at the sides to make a strip, Curve the ends slightly.
Once the strip starts to set (a minute or so) remove carefully off the plastic and roll it in between your first finger and thumb. Roll so that the top end is slightly open. Pince the bottom of the roll. This is the centre of your rose.
Next do the same thing, But this time use a slightly bigger bead.
Once removed off the plastic add to the centre piece that you have made, Wrap this new piece round the centre, leaving slightly open at top edge. Continue to do this until the rose is the size required.
To make a open petal rose, Do the centre the same as above,But then use small beads to make small teardrop shapes. These can then be added to the centre piece using resin to secure