Is it important to be able to take card payments?


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Aug 25, 2008
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Hey all basically what do you think is it important that you can take card payments or could it just be cash only ? Xx
I find that more and more clients prefer the convenience of using their cards rather than cash. Also clients are more inclined to purchase aftercare / retail products as they don't have too worry about thinking if they have enough cash with them so I think it's much better for them. Lots of people are carrying less cash these days and using their cards for most purchases. Even in coffee shops I see lots of people using them for small transactions.

When the salon I work in launched recently there was a delay with the arrival of our card machine. Nobody carries cash these days.clients were having to leave to go get cash and we were chasing payments off ppl for weeks. Not to mention causing great itritation and some very cross clients. Before the card machine we hardly sold any retail but since the card machine retail sales are booming. I'd say about 80% of our clients pay by card.
You def need a card machine, 80% of our takings is through this method and I agree with other posts that your clients may buy a few spontaneous products which they might not if they only had cash on them!

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Have to agree with all of the above posts. You must keep up with the technology available if you wish to succeed.
You def need a card machine, 80% of our takings is through this method and I agree with other posts that your clients may buy a few spontaneous products which they might not if they only had cash on them!

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Is this in context of a shop or home salon? What about if going mobile? Have seen so many threads on apps for card payments seems it's definitely the way to go.
I started taking card payments about 3 years ago and have never looked back. There are far more add on treatments now than ever before and no trips to the bank to deposit cheques, which is time consuming and therefore costly.

I increased my prices slightly, 50p for most treatments and this covered the costs of the charges on the card machine.

Now there are many small, hand held, devices around like Intuitpay and iZettle etc. which, as long as you have a good internet connection, work perfectly with no monthly fee, just the fee per card transaction. Most of the others need a telephone connection. :wink2:

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