Is it worth doing level 3?


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Aug 21, 2012
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I've just finished level 2 hairdressing last month and now have the opportunity to continue onto level 3 starting this month.

I'm an older student and I have been finding it hard to gain emploment in a salon. So do you think the level 3 will make me more employable?......or is it ok to try and carve out a career with just level2?

Any advice greatly appreciated
Yes definitely worth it level 2 is only really basic you can't face everything as a stylist with just level 2 xx
Yes do your level 3! Level 2 doesn't cover half of what you'll need, this day and age where so many clients "have a go" at colour themselves a level 3 will teach you full colour correction too - go for it
Realistically, you're probably going to need to do level 3 and some additional courses such as basic barbering, unless your course includes men's hairdressing.

Check out what short courses are offered by the wholesalers and the larger training salons (Hobs, Sassoon, Toni&Guy, etc.) and also colour houses such as Wella and L'Oreal.
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Firstly congratulations on completing your level 2, and I too was in the same situation this time last year, needless to say I followed the advice of the geeks on here by doing my level 3, I've learned so much from it, and now working in a salon so I'd definitely say GO FOR IT :)

Also find yourself an internship in a salon where you can practice, this will enable you to learn far more and develop your skills and working to commercial timings.

Good luck and never stop educating yourself in this industry :)
I would say definitely go for it, I was level 2 for 14 years and am just completing my level 3 now and even though I considered myself a confident hairdresser level 3 has helped me so much.
I do think also nowadays your are more employable with the level 3 too.
I'm hoping to go on to teaching so the level 3 is also a necessity for that.

Go for it why you've got the opportunity and good luck! Xx
Thanks all.

I'll definitely do the level 3 and I'll look at other short courses. You can never have too much education in this industry!
Also consider subscribing to or for your level 3 course support, if you don't already subscribe.

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