Well-Known Member
Hope someone out there can shed some light.
I recently had a new client come into the salon for a pedicure and i noticed that one of her toe nails looked very dry and had a white speckly appearence.It didnt seem to be all the way through the nail but just the top few layers,and when i asked the client how long it had been that way she said it started about a month ago and has since spread to cover most of the nail.There was definatly no 'greenies' in sight,help-im confused!
I recently had a new client come into the salon for a pedicure and i noticed that one of her toe nails looked very dry and had a white speckly appearence.It didnt seem to be all the way through the nail but just the top few layers,and when i asked the client how long it had been that way she said it started about a month ago and has since spread to cover most of the nail.There was definatly no 'greenies' in sight,help-im confused!