Hey geeks!I have a client in on Thursday, she's used a live colour months ago but wants to go back blonde, base of a 12, I was thinking of doing a bleach bath and full head foils, do you think I should put a colour In between as it'll probably go quite orangy, I have explained that it will damage her hair but she is adamant she wants it blonde asap, I'm going to get her to sign a consent form and make sure everything I have advised is covered in it. Just want to know your thoughts as to what inbetween colour to go for to cancel out the orange, i have advised the live colours are really tough to get out, I have been hairdressing 10 years and mobile for 12 months but would really appreciate some help with this 1 as I feel it's more nerve racking when on your own and as much as I would offer a colour correction if it's not 100% I'd rather leave her with a smile first time.