Hi there
I'm pretty new to this site so I don't know if I'm going about this correctly!
I have just finished my first year of my HND and have now qualified as a Beauty Therapist. I am currently using the Skin Truth range for maniure/pedicure (as this is all they offer in college) but I want to use a more professional range for my clients.
I was wondering whether any of you know how to go about getting trained on different ranges such as Jessica or OPI?
I'm pretty new to this site so I don't know if I'm going about this correctly!
I have just finished my first year of my HND and have now qualified as a Beauty Therapist. I am currently using the Skin Truth range for maniure/pedicure (as this is all they offer in college) but I want to use a more professional range for my clients.
I was wondering whether any of you know how to go about getting trained on different ranges such as Jessica or OPI?