Matrix gunmetal formula help please


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Sabrina Wallace

Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
Hi I'm new in here and not really sure how to use site yet so if question has been asked im sorry!
Ive been trying to get a gunmetal grey for a while on many clients- the matrix rep suggested I use 8p+1a+ blue booster quite scared to try has anyone got any advice or experience with this formula? Thank :)
Hi I'm new in here and not really sure how to use site yet so if question has been asked im sorry!
Ive been trying to get a gunmetal grey for a while on many clients- the matrix rep suggested I use 8p+1a+ blue booster quite scared to try has anyone got any advice or experience with this formula? Thank :)
Please be patient, you only asked the question at 9am and bumped the question at 2.40, bare in mind it's a working day and people are busy at work, and some Have families, small children to feed and get to bed.

In answer to your question, there is no set formula, as it depends on the Base level you're working with, get a mannequin head and do some strand tests, also the search facility is full of "grey" posts
I've used it- found was a bit hit or miss to be honest. you only need the teeniest bit of blue booster or it overpowers the colour xx
Thank you both, the urgency was I have 2 ladies booked in tomorrow for this colour so just wanted some feedback from people who work with it rather than a matrix educator. I understand people are busy I also work, have 2 kids and doing a business degree.
She said 14mls of blue booster :/ thank you I may try with half that xx

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