Mobile, rent a room, work from home?


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Oct 18, 2013
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Hi all I'm a newbie nail tech and I'm wanting to start doing nails full time. Would luv any advice on the following what's the most beneficial pros and cons etc I see mobile tech around my area charging £8 I'm gob smacked how they can afford to do it. Finding a room to rent is a nightmare it's either mega rent fees location is rubbish. I have a large spare room I thought maybe start from there but I live about 5 miles from town centre and not sure if that would work any help would be much appreciated xxx
There are pro / cons to both ....

Rent a room = rent / billls / new = no client base / but could have walk ins
Home = no walk ins / no rent tho
Etc ...,

What I would say is as your a newbie I'm 'assuming' you don't have much of a client base ? ... Why not work from home and build up your clients... advertise and get yourself out there...
But you and only you can decide what's best for you.

Good luck xxxxx

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This is a hard thing to answer we don't know your area or your circumstances. There are pros and cons to both here's a bit but prob better to have out this in the biz section.

Working from home is good as no rent, but you do need insurance, if your renting check you can run a business as a lot won't allow it, if you have bought your hour then you need to contact the insurance company and let them know. You'll need to work hard to get clients as no passing trade, so advertise and look for ways to lest people know you're there.

Renting, you'll have too pay rent and also get insurance, you'll most likely need a nvq to go on the premises special licence, if there isn't one you'll have to get one, that's important. Your more likely to get passing trade but still need to advertise hard.

You probably won't make a profit for first year or maybes longer either way, but does depend on outlays and how much you charge... Don't undercharge as you'll get clients but not good clients as they'll go once you out prices up.

Good luck
I am a newbie too, and I personally think it’s best to start at home, if you can.
You save on outgoings like rent etc and insurance is only about £40 a year.
Then you can work in your own pace and build up a client base.
Other than that I think it’s a good idea working for someone else, like in a nail bar etc and gaining more experience first xx
I know how nerve wracking it can be, all the best hunny xx
When I started I worked from home and then, while visiting my father-in-law in a home, someone complimented me on my nails. I got into working a couple of afternoons a week in nursing homes locally and this improved my home business too - carers, relatives, nurses etc.

I'll never make a fortune, it can be really challenging (I have one old chap who has bright red toenails under his socks :cool:) and my ladies are now loving gel nails as they add strength and take years off their nails! It gave me a lot of confidence and got me into a routine... and now I love the change from the salon!
I'm starting from home I was looking at renting a room but it was around £20-£50 a week and I thought it would be ok until I asked my boyfriends to ring up all the house insurance etc an see how much it will actually be adding on to if it's worth it the reply was £0 so that made my mind up straight away obviously more electric costs but I'd rather that then £50 a week when I might not even get enough clients to get a profit! Xx
Thank you for your advice. I am going to look onto staring from home and doing a bit of mobile . I think renting a salon is step 100 lol and tbh I'm probably only on step 10 :) I private rent my home so will look into that side to and sort insurance out etc thanks again :) xx
I would never rent a room because I would feel like I was paying to work. The cost of a lot of rent is more than I'd expect to make in a month!

Mobile probably widens your potential client base but if you think you can offer a better service at home then that could be a good option too.

I was going to be mobile but it's going to be a home salon because I don't fancy the driving and carrying and having to set up in an unfamiliar house.
My client base is very small friends etc. I'm going to get some leaflets printed post them where I live and hopefully get my name about etc :) x
I have large spare room which would be perfect ;) if I can get the all clear on using it from my landlord then that would be great. Mobile is a pain with all the stuff you have I know from when I spray tan it's a right nightmare. Xx

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