Mobile therapist and employ somebody


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Apr 19, 2012
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Hi is there anyone here mobile and branched out and employed mobile therapists I'm considering if so how did you do it? Via small amount of commission from treatments or a wage?
Sorry if that doesn't make much sence I'm using my phone lol x
Hmm could be complicated.

If you employ them, they are entitled to min wage for the hours they are contracted to work.

Self employment wod not really be practical as clients would be the therapists not yours, so why would they pay you commision? They might as well do it themselves.

Im sure others will have some more positive suggeations tho.

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Self employment wod not really be practical as clients would be the therapists not yours, so why would they pay you commision? They might as well do it themselves.

Not so. You've done advertising and supplied the client, so the client is yours regardless whether there are self-employed or not. If the client is brought in by the Therapist, then it's different.

Make sure you are in control of finance, trade-test everyone and have a contract where it states what happens if you find out about poaching clients.

In my case it is instant dsimissal with all funds held as compensation for a loss caused. Haven't has a single client stolen so far. Been doing it for nearly 2 years.
If the client is hers, and another therapist is working on the client, the therapist is an empoyee.

If the therapist is self emlpoyed, then acording to hmrc the therapist can choose wether to work or not and set own hours (so you cant really make appointments for her, and if you did you cant make her turn up) and the therapist been self employed could get someone else to do the treatment if she wanted the day off, you would have no say.

Hmrc are very picky about defining employment vs self employment im afraid. What seems logical isnt always so.

Dont mean to be awquard its just a very expensive mistake to make.

By defenition a self employed therapists works on her own clients, its her business in effect.

If there yout clients, she is working on yout behalf- an employee.

If I was a gambling man I would put £100 on been right here. I have come accross this before in another industry, the bloke who got it wrong had to sell his house to pay his backdated tax (had several employees he thought were self employed) - just be carfull.

You will hear people say 'as long as the contract says....' its rubbish. The law is the law, a contract cant over rule that. (and thats without getting into the debate about wether a self employed therapist is allowed a contract- as appose to a chair rental agreement in a salon)

Again not trying to be negative or demean other posters. Just want you to be armed with the right info. Its complex to say the least.

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Hi is there anyone here mobile and branched out and employed mobile therapists I'm considering if so how did you do it? Via small amount of commission from treatments or a wage?

Why don't you ring HMRC and explain that you want to take on the role of a broker (that's what you are describing when you 'introduce' a therapist to a client and charge for this)?

Rules and regulations change all the time so whilst SG might give you lots of different ideas about how it could/should work, unless you contact HMRC you won't know for definite and at least you know you got it from the horses mouth (and make a note of their name!)
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Of course, they can say "no" - you can't force anyone.

The way it works is that say, you have a client for an appointment tomorrow at 5, which you can't make, so you call your self-employed therapist Jane and ask: "can you do a facial tomorrow at 5 at x area?" Jane says: "no, sorry, I am fully booked, but I could do the next day." then you call your 2nd Therapist, Stacy and repeat the question. Stacy says: "Yes, I can." and you book her in. If the 2nd Therapist can't make it either, try to negotiate the appoitment time with the client - maybe you still book her in for the next day with Jane. Or have more Therapists in your books.

All the rates are must be agrred on in adavance. Then you get the client to prepay the appointment and explain your cancellation policy, as you don't want to pay your Therapist for the time wasted from your pocket in case the client is not in or changes their mind last minute.

After the appointment is done, you transfer the Therapist's share to their account.

This is casual job - they might have 1-2 appointment from you a day or maybe even a week. And of course they will juggle it with their own clients, jobs and committments.

Trade-testing and interviewing is crucial here. I had so many desperate people on the phone when advertising for extra specialists, and guess what? The most desperate never turned up for an interview. Surely they wouldn't make it to the client either.

In my opinion it is all about building the network and communication and I would say, it is well worth it.

This is also the way leading mobile companies (or agencies if you prefer) work.
Can I ask where you found your therapists, I am pregnant and need therapists, i have a few that help with pamper parties but work in the day. I would like to find some that i can trust and love what they do. I have found it hard to find therapists, I have put a lot in to marketing snd pushing the business and have had clients taken.

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