Mobile work while pregnant.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Hi all!

I have been a mobile beauty therapist for just over a year now and i also have a 2 and half yr old daughter. We would like to have another child soon and we are starting to think about trying to concieve soon. When i was pregnant with Mia I carried on working in the salon that I managed as usual, though i did tailor what treatments I offered.
Has anyone been pregnant and offered a mobile service?Did you find any problems with lifting and carrying your equipment and was there any other problems you encountered?
Just wondering what I could be letting myself in for:)

Thanks guys
When I was pregnant with one of my babies I did ann summers parties and the kit was really heavy and I struggled a bit!

Can you not work form home for the short term I am sure your clients will understand.

Remember your not supposed to lift heavy items when pregnant not just because of risk of miscarriage but because the hormones also weaken your bones and joints to help with expansion and you can seriously damage yourself.

Last year when I was pregnant with my son (15 weeks) I moved some boxes and split my pubic bone! I was bed bound for the rest of my pregnancy and had to turn down a lot of work and lost 90% of my income.

Dont want to sound negative but you need to take care of you and the baby for 9 months!

kate x

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