Nail business worthwhile


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Kelly McNeil

New Member
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi guys, I know this has probably been asked a million times but in need of some advise! I currently work full time but dream of working for myself and wanted to train in nails, I will start on evenings and weekends etc but wondered if anyone could offer my some sort of advice of how much of a profit to expect and how many clients would need etc to make it worth while? I have mortgage, cars etc so would only manage if income would cover this!
I've just set up my own nail business from home. Set up costs have been in the region of £1,600 including training, equipment, products etc.
I held a launch party to generate interest and offered gel nails at half price if clients booked on the night. It worked well and I have had clients on most days for the past 3 weeks but definitely not full time yet. I've delivered 100s of flyers without one result. Finding clients is the most difficult part. I hope this has helped. Keep in touch and let me know how you go.
If you read this thread about costings and pricing, I posted a reply (I think it's post number 20) in which I outlined a basis for working out how much you need to charge to achieve a certain wage.

If you use that caculation as an idea, obviously it's not exact but it will give you a starting point to work from

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