Need a bit of reassurance


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May 24, 2017
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Hi I'm new to this forum. I recently completely my Bio Sculpture training and am absolutely loving it. I've done half a dozen or so sets of nails.... when I do them on myself they come out really well and I've done a couple of sets that I've been proud of but I've also done a couple of sets that I haven't.... I've struggled a bit with cuticles (I don't want to hurt anyone!) so they haven't been perfect around the edges and I've applied the gel too thick or too thin on those occasions.... my first question is I feel awful after I've done a set to the Point I think oh what's the point in doing this! People I know will see those nails and think they look horrible (they are never that bad but I'm a perfectionist!)... I need to know I'm not the only one who found it difficult at first?! I've been charging £10 but when I'm not happy I do them for free. Sorry to ramble! It's either you girls who understand or will be my hubby later who doesn't lol! Thank you xxx
I've been doing this for 14 years and still turn out sets that I loathe or am ashamed of - trust doesn't get any better :p:oops:;)

Seriously, don't be disheartened, we're all chasing the perfect nail and in truth it doesn't exist, we always think we can do better but we're supposed to. It's our job to look past the 'pretty bits' and look at the structure/shape/angles/etc to make the nails right, we don't see pretty anymore we just see faults :cool:
I've been doing this for 14 years and still turn out sets that I loathe or am ashamed of - trust doesn't get any better :p:oops:;)

Seriously, don't be disheartened, we're all chasing the perfect nail and in truth it doesn't exist, we always think we can do better but we're supposed to. It's our job to look past the 'pretty bits' and look at the structure/shape/angles/etc to make the nails right, we don't see pretty anymore we just see faults :cool:
Thanks for taking the time to reply! Your comment has made me feel better I just need to get as much practice in as I can!! I'll get there, hopefully Xx
Aw really you are not alone! I get so upset with myself sometimes if it wasn't for my poor hubby keeping my spirits up I would never achieve anything!! Keep going lady you can do it:)
God I've been in the industry nearly 20 years & I still have days (although few & far between now! [emoji6])where I am unhappy with a particular aspect of my work. But hey we are all our own worst critics right!?
Listen if we never thought we could do any better & we were the best of the best, how would there be any scope or room for improvement!? This surely keeps us human, keeps us striving for better & stops us being complacent & shows our love & passion for the industry is still there! Your just a baby as far as this industry is concerned, but you will toughen up & realise your worth. But by the sound of it the passion & willingness of wanting to do better is there, so your gonna be just fine!! X
Practise makes perfect and if you're a perfectionist you're probably already doing a fantastic service and will probably always critique your own work this way. If you are only charging £10 at the moment anyway then they really can't complain :) We all have days where we can't get it right don't beat yourself up about it o_O
I have been doing Calgel for almost 2 years now, and at first i felt exactly the same! It takes a lot of time and perseverance but you WILL get there. And you will still hate sets of nails you do even 10years down the line. But you will also turn out sets you love, learn loads and please plenty of people :) You have invested in a great product and with it you will blossom :)
You just need confidence, you are qualified and it's just all about getting the experience and you can only do that by practising. £10 is a more than fair price for bio sculpture and I'm sure the people your working on know you're recently qualified so just don't let them take advantage of you they should still be paying you as it's your products. If you want to make a business out of it you can't give away freebies every time your not happy with your work. They will contact you if they go away not happy and then you can discuss what you can do and that's what this forum is for to ask advice from professionals. clients will play on your weakness so to come on here for a second opinion is great as then 9/10 you can be reassured that it's not's them!
You just need confidence, you are qualified and it's just all about getting the experience and you can only do that by practising. £10 is a more than fair price for bio sculpture and I'm sure the people your working on know you're recently qualified so just don't let them take advantage of you they should still be paying you as it's your products. If you want to make a business out of it you can't give away freebies every time your not happy with your work. They will contact you if they go away not happy and then you can discuss what you can do and that's what this forum is for to ask advice from professionals. clients will play on your weakness so to come on here for a second opinion is great as then 9/10 you can be reassured that it's not's them!
Also if they know your just starting out, they will be happy to be your model for £10 so you saying don't worry have it for free is a only bonus for them. Where else are they getting bio nails that cheap

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