I have been browsing on here for a while and thought i woulod come and say hi.
I actually need a little advice, i have recently done a course in gel, silk and acrylic. I think i have mastered ish the gel and acrylic. What i have a problem with is the silk system. When the nail enhancement is finished i end up with what lloks like the mesh. There are little bubble type spots on the enhancement, i am not keen on this system but have a few friends who love silk so i want to get to grips with this. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
I have been browsing on here for a while and thought i woulod come and say hi.
I actually need a little advice, i have recently done a course in gel, silk and acrylic. I think i have mastered ish the gel and acrylic. What i have a problem with is the silk system. When the nail enhancement is finished i end up with what lloks like the mesh. There are little bubble type spots on the enhancement, i am not keen on this system but have a few friends who love silk so i want to get to grips with this. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.