NVQ level 2 beauty therapy worth it?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
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Hiya geeks

Im interested in what your views are on the level 3 beauty therapy? Is it worth while doing it?

Thanks geeks

Its meant to say level 3 beauty therapy DUH!!
It will definitely help you get your foot in the door! I found most employers looked for at least level 3. I enjoy massage so it worked for me, you might as well do it, you'll learn more and get an extra year of being a kid in college with no worries!! :)) x
Just read your profile maybe my input was pointless to you hehehe :)
Just read your profile maybe my input was pointless to you hehehe :)

Haha no it wasnt, the stuff thats covered in level 3 i have skimmed in a job that i was in a few years back, but was never put into college as i left :-( xx
I was unsure about doing my level 3, but careers advisor told me that if I wanted to work in a salon Id have to get it as thats what majority of jobs ask for.
She said if I only wanted to work for myself I would be ok just having my level 2.
Im about a month into it now and its a lot different to level 2 (the science is hardcore lol) , but then we also have an extra day of booked up salon doing all level 2 treatments so its been good to keep practicing.

Hope thats helpful x
I've been debating this as I'm just coming to the end of level 2. I don't want to work in a salon, I want my own business but one day I will hopefully employ someone and if it's the norm to have NVQ 2 & 3 to work in a salon, I would expect my employee to have them. I wouldn't want to employ someone and expect them to have a qualification that I don't have, so I will do it to gain more skills, more experience and who knows, maybe at some point I may end up doing some work in a salon for somebody, so I may need to have it. I thought since I'm in learning mode, I will just bite the bullet and get it under my belt xx
A tutor said to me during an interview ' I recommend doing your level 3 because if years down the line you wanted to become a tutor you would need level 3 and at least you would have it under your belt and level 3 also makes you more employable'
I would do your level 3 because you have more a & p knowledge, your qualified in massage plus other advanced treatments and I think employers prefer level 3 Beauty Therapists

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