NVQ Saks - now what?


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Nov 27, 2009
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Hi Everyone, I'm sure a similar post to this has been raised before but I really would appreciate some friendly help and advice as I really do not know how to make the next step happen. I'm 33 and have completed a NVQ Level 2 Ladies Hairdressing Course at Saks in July 2010. Since then I have tried to seek employment at salons that are local to me and also those within the Westend etc. I paid allot of money for my course and really do not want to give up trying to make a career as a hairdresser up but I'm truly running out of ideas. I have even offered to work for FREE and still nothing!! I have always wanted to work with the hair/beauty industry but life just took me on a different journey and I really don't want to look back in some years to come regretting not changing things now whilst I still can. Even though I have this NVQ 2, I do understand and respect that there will be younger much more experienced people then me but I would welcome working alongside people of different ages and skills if only I had the chance. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.:)
Have you ever considered mobile? I had the same problem when I completed my NVQ2 at 30, so I decided to offer people i.e. friends and friends of friends their hair done at a much cheaper rate. Once I built up my confidence I then went out mobile full time. P.s. as long as you never attempt anything you are unsure of you will be fine and you can make a great living this way. :) x
Thanks so much for your reply it means a lot. Ideally I would like to eventually go mobile, but right now I don't feel as though I have enough know-how and feel that this would be gained through working in a salon maybe? I really really do want to make this happen and am not happy about the lack of aftercare and support from Saks to be honest. I happy with the basic's but am unsure of how to progress further without working along side people who have much more experience then me but I will continue as you have mentioned to practice on family and friends. It just seems almost impossible to get a salon job!
I also studied at saks and everyone eventually went on to salon placements, what about your work experience salon? Do they have any vacancies?

I am having similar problems. From my previous thread I worked in a salon for 3 years and was treated really badly, so left. I have recently completed my level 3, and have done a bit of mobile, but i am limited beacuse I can not drive. I have applied for several jobs in salons but i am not getting any where. I am now thinking of giving up hairdressing for a job in an office or hotel, as I need to earn some decent money. I feel like the last 5 years have been a waste:confused: xxxxx
It seems that most people on my course had great difficulty in finding a salon to take them on either during the course training or after, but more so after, as the people on my course also had full time jobs to juggle.

Not sure what you mean by work experience salon, was this organised for you by Saks? There was just no support or guidance for us and to honest it would be very hard for not only me but others who also felt the same, to recommend Saks because of this, as when going into a different field you need as much support as possible but more so after the course has ended.

As I have said I really don't want to waste the money this course cost me as I am serious about wanting a career change but I really am at my wits end and don't know how to move forward on this one :cry:

Maybe it could also be a case of who you know rather than what you know to a certain extent, in order for someone to at least give you a break and see what potential you may have.

I have spoken to many a salon having explained my situation and have been told that they would not know where to put me, as I'm qualified but have no experience etc etc, its a circle!!!!

If anyone does read this post and can assist I would be really grateful, but thanks to all for listen, I just had to get this off my chest :)

Tresses - don't give up we have to be positive that something must happen, I work in an office and really want to get out, especially as I see on the news that retirement age will be creeping up to 66?! lol, really want to eventually go mobile and somehow lead a more balanced life in the long run x
Thank you Princess 23

But its hard when no one seems to want to give you a chance. I worked hard for my previous salon,and got treated badly :cry: I would give 100% to any salon that would give me a chance. I am feeling a bit deflated, as now I have finished my level 3 I dont have any where to go. I will keep trying.Wish you the best xxxxxxxxx
Aww I know how you feel but honestly try to believe that something will come up, you never know who might be looking at our posts and give us the break we need! I'm like you about giving 100% it's only been now in life that I could take advantage of my situation and do something I have always wanted to do, I got really positive feedback during my training which I remind myself off at times like this. Fingers crossed someone might be able to offer us the advice we need to move forward, chin up :hug: wishing you all the best too and if I have any ideas I shall share them on here xx

"In the end, it will all be okay. And if it's not okay...then it's not the end." :)
Thanks princess 23 you have made me feel a lot more positive .I hope someone gives me a break soon, I must of given my cv to every hairdressers in town!!! hopefully something will turn up even if it was only part time. take care xxxxxxxx
Hi all!

This is a long story and i may repeat myself now and again so sorry but thought I would get my story out there about my Saks training.

I did the course with Saks about 4 years ago now. Whilst I was there and before I even started the course they said that I (anyone) who did the course would have a job in a Saks salon when finished the NVQ 2 course then work in the salon to get NVQ 3. So I paid for the course thinking I would get a job at the end of the course. ( still paying loan off now :(). Anyway I worked in one of the salon as work experience and got offered a Saturday job to there. But the girls in the salon never accepted me and made my life hell. But I wanted to learn and get the experience in the salon. By the end of the course the manager said they may have a job for me but I would have to start at the beginning. I thought great I can do that, it's a job and I don't really mind working up. Anyway long story..... The manager messed me around after weeks of not hearing anything I got on to head office. They said they would look into it and get back to me. So a few weeks later they did and said they had a place in a salon and I would hear from them soon :) but 4 years down the line still haven't heard a thing.
In mean time I got my CV out there. Must of send over 100 CV out. went for 10 interviews at most out of those CV handed out :( . Most said I was too old to be a junior (I was 19/20 at the time). I didn't have enough work experience or wasn't want they were looking for :s. I said I would work for free, help out anything just to get some experience. But no one would help me out. So I made some flyers/leaflets up and decided to go mobile. I just did basic cuts and blow drys and a few colours. I made a small but ok client base and was happy I was gaining experience. I still looked for jobs whilst doing mobile because it looked good that I wasn't just sat doing nothing.
I never did get a salon job because no one would give me a chance. But I love hairdressing its not a job because it's something I love to do and I know I'm good at it (not to said big headed but I know I'm better then a lot of ppl out there).
Last year I opened my first salon. It's been hard work and probably not the best idea with everything going on with the economy but I don't regret it at all. We all have our ups and downs. I may have more down then ups but I got here in the end. I've done my NVQ 3 and hopefully started level 4 in September :D.
So everyone just keep positive and you'll get there.
If anyone wants help or advise just ask. I may be no help what so ever but sometimes its good to talk to someone who's been in your place.

Tori xxx
Hi Tori, Thank you for sharing your experience with me I really appreciate it. Wow what an insight. In a nut shell if anyone asked me about Saks I would firmly have to say stay clear and save your money, go to a local college or something like that. There was a rush from Saks to have me sign up due to the old chestnut of the "last place remaining" which from others on the course is what was said to them! I really wish they had been honest and realistic in the beginning about what we were to expect once the course had finished, as they really do have a knack of stringing people along. Also I found that during my course, we were moved on to learning the next thing on the list regardless if everyone understood the last module or not and there was no way of re-visiting that module again due to the time table :grr:. I feel lucky that I did not lag behind and really put my time into practicing and understanding as much as possible but for some they just had to move on feeling overwhelmed and un-heard, having to be helped by others in the group or googling for help. They are all for taking your money but are incredible slow and reluctant to help you towards the end in terms of where to go and once you are gone, you're gone and on your own. Even the course tutors who told us to contact them any time even when the course finishes as they would be there "always" is a joke, as both me and a few others from my course are still waiting for a reply to some advice we were seeking!!!! I was lead to have great expectations from Saks but sadly this never came to fruition. This makes me more than determined to succeed even if it takes a while as then I only have me to pat on the back. I really don't know how they are the "UK number one provider" – what a joke?! I could give many an example from Saks, but feel I have said enough, made my point and made my thoughts know on Salon Geek, which might given someone food for thought when looking for courses in the forums here.
Once again thanks for sharing your experience, sounds like you made a very brave move and I really do wish you all the very best of luck – thanks for lending me your ears, onward and up :lol:, take care xxxx :hug:
I know a guy who has just finished his course at saks - he is hoping to do free work experience now.

I am always wary of these fast track courses for this reason- you pay the
Money and as soon as it's in their account they don't care. I'm very sad that you have had that experience.

I'm only being honest but as an employer I would be very wary of employing someone who has done a fast track course. And a lot of employers I know feel the same. But of course saks don't tell you that do they?

Good luck - I can't see where you are all based but if you are in Scotland pm me! X
Hi Kimi1101, no Saks do not tell you that!! Thank you for your honesty, I can totally understand your side and why you would be wary as this has been said to me on more than one occasion albeit after I attended Saks :rolleyes:. What I find the most frustrating is that because of Fast Track reputations, it just makes it so much harder for those who may have the brilliant potential to really become a good hairdresser and become valuable members of a team/company. There will be some of us that have the flair, but because of life have had to come into this field from another direction, so I can only live in hope that someone will take the chance on me :). Thank you for your input though; it really is nice hearing the different views, take care xx Ps: I'm based in London, or else I would have pm you for sure, lol! xx
What would you recommend for a 24yr old like myself, who wants to get into the hairdressing path to specialise in blowdrys, cuts and colour, but can only study part-time or in the evening. Also due to my age, I doubt I would get Government funding, which is fine, but I would like to be qualified in a year or so...Funnily enough I was considering going to SAKS, but after this post am not so sure. Would I have to start off with NVQ2 or can I just study the courses I mentioned at a college? ;)
Hi JewlZ, I done the Saks course part time (for a year once a week) as this option fitted in with my full time job. My personal opinion would be to stay well away from Saks as they will literally take your money and not give you the value, support or help in return. Without sounding big head, as it’s hard to get something across without people know you personally, but I would say that I was a realistic and honest person and tells it like it is. My experience with Saks is not a one off and I was part of a class of 12 people ALL of which felt the same way. It does make me ill to think of the money it has cost as I have yet to gain anything from this investment that I thought I was making and I would not want someone else to feel that way too. My personal advice would be to find yourself a local college where you can do a part time course, which will get you the NVQ level 2 that you need and for a hell of a lot cheaper. Research as much as possible, I choose Saks as I really thought it ticked all my boxes, but clearly it did not. However I shall still continue to move forward until all avenues are exhausted. All the very best to you :).
At the end of the day you need to bear in mind they are running a business. Some businesses are honest, some badly run, some downright dishonest. I'm not tarring saks with this brush but they (by the sounds of things) do not help you beyond getting the money following the curriculum and signing your papers.

In answer to the question what would I recommend? Do a course but get work experience from day one. Get work experience (unpaid) right now. Loads of it. It's the same as any qualification - you need to do something to sell yourself. There are loads of stylists out there fresh out of college looking for work. You need to
Make yourself desirable. Otherwise you'll just be a name in a pile of identical cvs.
Yikes I have just enrolled with saks in Glasgow I start in August and have paid for it, my class is only 6 max and I went up for the day and got a cut and colour and a chat with the present students who said it was hard work but enjoying it, tutor seemed really good and hands on too. Bit scared now lol
Yikes I have just enrolled with saks in Glasgow I start in August and have paid for it, my class is only 6 max and I went up for the day and got a cut and colour and a chat with the present students who said it was hard work but enjoying it, tutor seemed really good and hands on too. Bit scared now lol

Dont stress, think its more of a problem on the part time courses, I studied at saks and it was great! I now have my own salon.

Good luck x
It's the part time one I am doing due to finances can't afford to give up job and go to college lol :-( x
Well done you though for opening your own salon, glad you had a good experience :)

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