Opening salon - outdoor banners?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2013
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Hey Geeks!
So I've too the plunge in opening my own mini studio Glasgow City Centre.

I was wondering if anyone know's the laws on putting an outdoor banner on a fence at the main street just off where I will be?

Thanks Courtney x
Congrats!! Everywhere is different so just check with your council.
Will give them a phone tomorrow before I spend money on it x
Hiya, as we do a lot of banners we get asked this question a lot.

If it's going to be on your property it's classed as temporary signage and doesn't require planning permission. If it's going to be on council property (a fence/gate etc) chances are you'll need permission, which 9/10 out of 10 they won't give and it's a lengthy process normally.

Why do you see so many out and about then? Well because a lot of people don't care. They'll do it anyway. If it's literally going to be outside the front of your shop it will normally only give you a slap on the wrist if anything depending on the council and individual situation. If it's going to be for advertising the opening night or something like that, if it were me I'd be tempted to put it out and just wing it. Play dumb if they ask, but it will normally take them a couple of weeks to find out (again depending on your area).

I'm just saying what I'd do personally. I wouldn't condone going against the rules set by the all mighty council :)
I've had real issues with signs/banners.

From what I've experienced, as long as no one complains you're fine.

We put a sign on our own house/hedge and were told to take it down as it was a distraction to drivers. (It was opposite a junction where you HAVE to stop to see clearly)

We also put it on my dads hedge (away from home). But the council claim its their hedge.

We then put it on a friends field fence and that was fine!

I spoke to someone who did sign writing and they said that as long as you move it before 28 days you're ok. Because it's only a temporary sign.
Thanks !
There is already 2 big pvc banners on the fence I was gonna put it up, I may even pop in to where they are and ask if they've had permission or what!
I'll just order a roller stand for now for outside my studio door
Thanks !
There is already 2 big pvc banners on the fence I was gonna put it up, I may even pop in to where they are and ask if they've had permission or what!
I'll just order a roller stand for now for outside my studio door
Just thought I'd mention, roller banners aren't made to be outside by default unless it's a specific outdoor one so make sure it's heavily weighted down as they fall over quite easily anyway :)
Aw I know, I'm in an office building so I can put it downstairs inside at the main doors or outside my door.
Thanks for your help.
Hi @Pebblesxo congrats on taking the plunge :)

I've no knowledge of hanging outdoor banners I'm afraid, but as an alternative (or even as well as), why not promote some facebook promotions to people in the area of the salon? Facebook lets you target specific audiences (i.e. women aged 18-50) in your specific area, and you can even target those interested in fashion etc if you wish!

Good luck :)
Yeah I think I'm going to do that nearer the time of opening!
I've just had all my flyers delivered and received my keys to start decorating so i'm going to get it all done and flyer drop, PR etc...
Really excited now x
@SimplyBusiness Every things all sorted now for opening on Tuesday! Can't wait now. x

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