I've just had a look at your website, funkymanda.
Very nice! Bet your salon's lovely too!
What I don't understand though is how come you're charging £24 an hour for your 'feel a million dollars' package, but an average of £48 an hour for your pamper parties? Is that per person? Or the total per hour for both therpaists working?
Hiya Judy
Thanks for taking a look at my website and glad yoou like it.
Please let me try and explain the salon pacages and pamper packages - eg. The 'feel a million dollars' package at the salon is 3 hrs and cost £72, if you added all the individual treatments together it would cost more but i give a 10% on packages. Client gets value for money, you get to promote lots of treatments/products and also there are no 'dead, down time' when you are not earning inbetween treatments, like there would be if they where seperate clients in the 3 hours.
The clients experiences a number of treatments in one but they tend to also come with a friend & i have 2 treatment rooms & a manicure station in reception, therefore £24 per hour becomes £48!!!! so a nice profit.
In the salon I have to work to an average hourly rate of £25 per hour to pay the rent, bills, wages etc.
Pamper parties are different, most people think that you should charge less to go to somones house but infact it is the opposite as you are coming to them at there convienience, not yours....
You have the petrol and car allowence of gettinging there, the time to organise everything and pack the car, set up time when you get there, the wasted time inbetween treatments while they are chatting, putting the nibbles in the oven, opening the bubbly and then packing up and loading the car and then unloading and organising everything in your home salon!!!!
So on average an added one and a half to two hours!!!! yes really and if you are going to charge on average £25 for half and hour then thats £100 loss you have just made!!!
So if you caharge a little extra you will cover your costs.
All my clients are happy paying £42 for one hours worth of treatments, £36 for 45mins, or £28 for 30 mins - in each time slot they can have 1, 2 or 3 treatments. I also do offer a discount for large numbers but then you mustn't forget that I then have to have more therapist.
I pay my girls on average £18 an hour plus travel if needed and they are happy too. So I feel it is working and everyone is happy!
Hope this makes sense and sorry for rambling, i supose the message in sort is - charge what you feel the service is worth, believe in it and look after your clients and they will look after you.
Take care