Publisher question


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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've started doing my newsletters in publisher, but some clients can't open the attachment.
Is their anyway I can save publisher in word and put that as the attachment instead?
Sometimes you can copy your publisher document into a word document, however this somtimes mucks up the fonts and formatting of the doc, also depending on what version of office/word you save it as some people may or may not be able to open depending on how recent their version is...... you still with me????

Personally I would transfer your publisher document into a pdf.... if you have adobe pdf on your computer then this is very easy and all done on the internet, you can either pay a subscription (I think it's about £20 for the year for unlimited file transfers) if you're going to be using it loads for loads of avertising, or for a one off avert you can use it for a trial period for free, think it's something like two weeks and no more than 10 documents (if my memory serves me correctly)....

Most computers will have adobe installed on them already and so it is easy for clients to open and view...

If you want to know more just pm chick...

HTH :green:
thanks tonilee. I've just had a butchers and I can save it in rtf but without the graphics and the formatting, which looks crap.

I can't see an adobe bit to it, although I know I've got an icon thingy on my start up menu so will have a look at that.

off to scratch ones head :eek:
In adobe you shouldn't lose any of the graphics or images, there may be some font changes but that's it....

You don't save the document as an adobe pdf.... you have to first go onto adobe online and then you would upload your document... they then convert it to a pdf and email it back to you... will quite happily go through it with you if you like? pm me if you like....
OK, see where you are coming from. am trying to do the online thingy but it seems to have gone dead on me.
will be back.
I save my Publisher docs to pdf using Primo Pdf. It's a free download (just do a search for 'primo pdf') and I've never had any problems. Hope you manage to sort it! x
If you are struggling PM me, send the email to me and I will convert it into PDF for you, generally everyone can read a pdf doc so you should be ok sending that. Hope that helps xxx
In Publisher you can save your document in many different formats. Try File - Save As - choose JPEG from the drop down list next to 'Save as Type'. Everyone can view a jpeg as it is a basic photo format. Remember to keep your original Publisher file safe though, as once a file is saved as a jpeg it can't be converted back in order to be edited.

Hope this helps,

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