For my footspa, i always clean it out with hot soapy water to get rid of any residue, dirt and grime, .....then i use a disenfectant and leave it to saok for the time recommended, this can vary depending on the product you are using .This should be done after each client.
I use Mundo products for all my sanitizing and disinfecting needs. If you want to have a look at their products, the website is mundo
Foot spas should always be thoroughly disinfected in between clients as it is very easy to pass infections via them.
Those with circulatory pipes need particular attention as 'dirty' water left in the pipes is the perfect breeding ground for all those 'nasties' you need to avoid.
Mundo Foot Spa & Pedicure Bowl Disinfectant is designed specifically for all foot spas and pedicure bowls. It is bactericidal and fungicidal - and even removes the hazardous bio-film that builds up in pipes and on other surfaces - thanks to its unique enzymatic formulation.
This product (along with the rest of the range) is recommended by
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