Save Lennox


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My oh my I'm in shock and devastated that poor pooch put to sleep for nothing a life wasted.

This justice system sucks how many murderers are on the streets rapists pedofiles all get released from prison they don't even get the death penalty.

In the article above it stated that he was the most dangerous and unpredictable dog they had ever seen yet he had never did nothing wrong.It makes me sick there clutching at straws as to why they did what the did disgusting.

What bread is next?I'm sure they will do there damnedest to get some more on there so called warning list.

The poor family my hear goes out to them.Poor lennox died not knowing anyone cared for him,he would have died feeling abandoned.

He was kept in bad conditions to so why have the shelter not been prosecuted for cruelty and negligence.

I'm so so upset it's devistating I feel so angry to.xx

Poor lad kept in solitary confinement with a carer taking care of his feeding and cleaning schedule that hated him scared, lonely feeling abandoned with no mental stimulation or excercise would cause any dog to act in this way. Fear aggression is a huge factor with some cases. The fear they instilled in a loving and trusting family pet.
Channel 4 news is apparently covering the story tonight.... bit late I say we were all begging them and BBC Breakfast to cover this when there was still time to save him
I've just watched one of the you tube videos of lennox and it showed where he is ............ I am outraged it's a walled cell no bigger that a large dog creat with only what I can describe as sawdust on the floor.Aparently council approved cell

They say he became aggressive to strangers if he did it's not supprising being ripped from his home no human contact no life.

It's sooo sad his life must have been horrendous there for him so lonely.x

Yes he was kept in a small concrete "cell" for want of a better word, sawdust for bedding, not cleaned out regularly, kept drugged on tranquilisers due to his depressed state and the stress of his life causing him to start losing fur and getting bald spots. The drugs caused bloating and his life was really becoming intolerable.

There are many similar stories, last year Patrick was lucky to be freed, ( read his story) he was in an awful state when they finally let him go.

We are all starting to believe that he was wrongfully destroyed before the reprieve had run out or in such an awful condition that they would not want the world to see what had been done. Even with all the bad treatment and fear he endured, he did NOT bite a single person. He was a gentle boy just wanting to go home

Callers to the council today found that the staff were laughing at them and making animal noises mocking the peaceful protestors calls. They are hiding behind the "death threat" excuse though so all callers hopefully tried to be as polite and respectful as they could. I tried even though the dog warden I spoke to was very cold, spoke from a script and put the phone down once she had repeated her script about 5 times, refusing to answer my initial question, Has Lennox been destroyed yet? ( this was at 8am) Apparently he was pts at 7am
Yes he was kept in a small concrete "cell" for want of a better word, sawdust for bedding, not cleaned out regularly, kept drugged on tranquilisers due to his depressed state and the stress of his life causing him to start losing fur and getting bald spots. The drugs caused bloating and his life was really becoming intolerable.

There are many similar stories, last year Patrick was lucky to be freed, ( read his story) he was in an awful state when they finally let him go.

We are all starting to believe that he was wrongfully destroyed before the reprieve had run out or in such an awful condition that they would not want the world to see what had been done. Even with all the bad treatment and fear he endured, he did NOT bite a single person. He was a gentle boy just wanting to go home

Callers to the council today found that the staff were laughing at them and making animal noises mocking the peaceful protestors calls. They are hiding behind the "death threat" excuse though so all callers hopefully tried to be as polite and respectful as they could. I tried even though the dog warden I spoke to was very cold, spoke from a script and put the phone down once she had repeated her script about 5 times, refusing to answer my initial question, Has Lennox been destroyed yet? ( this was at 8am) Apparently he was pts at 7am
Its sick it really is and to think this happens often to other poor pooches.

He was kept in disgusting conditions they should be ashamed with themselves.I could not believe it when I saw the video and he looked in a real bad state absolutely heartbreaking.

The horrid people from the council laughing on the phone now that is shameful it really is.An innocent life has been taken for no reason I just still can't get my head around it it has really bothered me not just this case of lennox but the otheres that this is happening to.

I watched a programme a few weeks ago and there was a puppy on it and he was a pitbull cross he was I think about 8 months and they put him down because they couldn't re home him because of his bread.He had never hurt a sole had been a model pooch but because of the bread he was destroyed.

Heart renching xxx

I think you are right I think he was destroyed a time ago and all this is just a sick and twisted cover up for what they have done.
oh well, what can we do but what we already are. Hubby went loopy tonight, if they take his dogs he will burn the place down, bomb the b*ggers, kidnap the kidnappers etc etc, you know what guys are like.LOL

But seriously I have felt all these emotions too and am just so grateful that my fellas are still safely with me. The chances are that they may be percieved as dangerous dogs due to their looks and I am always very mindful of the way they behave when out, just in case anyone feels afraid. All that someone needs to say is that they felt intimidated or scared, even if the dog never even went near them or even looked at them, to report a dog.

Your dog can be whisked away and you have no rights to them at all until they are found "innocent". I can just imagine my boys wanting their treats and cuddles, favorite toys, walkies etc and all they get is bad treatment and being locked up in a concrete pen in solitary. It would drive them insane. My Fred would buckle and all his fear aggression would be his death sentence. NOT ON MY WATCH.

Give you fella a big hug from us and be vigilant, it can happen to any of us
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I read patricks story and I just have no words.

At least he is living happily and healthy with a loving family now
At least he is living happily and healthy with a loving family now

Yes very true he got the chance.I could not believe my so sad.

There are some vicious people out there and to think this happenes every day.

I wish there was more that we could do I really do.xx
A very huge thank you to all that followed this thread and the greater story out there in the wide world. I do hugely appreciate your input.

Sadly Poor little Lennox did not get to live free ever again, but he is running free at the Rainbow Bridge awaiting his family.

The fight continues to abolish the Dangerous Dogs Act and I hope that some of you at least will research, read up and make your then educated decisions regarding this.

There are many raw emotions regarding this case and many many facebook and youtube communications. I personally feel that some of them are making a mockery of this dog and he should be remembered as the beautiful boy he was. Not a photoshopped dog with an army helmet or similar. He was a beloved family pet, loved, cherished, missed and respected..

I have lit a candle for him and his loved ones and hope that some of you will , if not light a candle at least say a little prayer for his family left behind. They are the ones suffering now. LENNOX IS FINALLY FREE and at PEACE

I feel it is now time to close this thread and let Lennox RIP
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