Save Lennox


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Heartbreaking! I find this truly disgusting. Poor little boy :(
I don't understand how they can keep him if he isn't a pitbull...?

Neither can the over 200000 others, It really makes no sense,

I am in peices at the moment after communications with the Queen, the TV networks, the newspapers, the NI vets, the MPs.ONE response from all my e mails and communications ( this has been for two years)

Everyone following his case have done the same, The council officials have blocked their e-mails, the reception have been cutting off callers, our only hope has been the media and now we fear time has run out. All we can now believe is that they are covering up.

Sad event really as this will for sure mean a boycot on Northern Ireleand when they truly dont need it
Lennox was due to be Euthenised this morning at 7am, just awaiting confirmation but pretty sure he is no longer with us. At least he is not suffering and lonely anymore.
Lennox was due to be Euthenised this morning at 7am, just awaiting confirmation but pretty sure he is no longer with us. At least he is not suffering and lonely anymore.
:( x x
Lennox was due to be Euthenised this morning at 7am, just awaiting confirmation but pretty sure he is no longer with us. At least he is not suffering and lonely anymore.

:,( heartbreaking. He will be at peace and not on his own. That is no way for any animal to live. X
There is still no official news about Lennox, I have been on facebook cheeking all morning, lets hope for a last minute miracle that they let Lennox go and be re-homed in the USA. All around the UK this Saturday 14th July there are going to be peaceful protests against DDA, if you would like to attend one go to facebook and type in 'peacful protests around the UK against DDA' and your sure to find one close to you. I will be at the Manchester one. X
Belfast city council have announced on there website that Lennox has been put to sleep. R.I.P Lennox and run free at rainbow bridge little man. X

Poor boy :( x
I called the dog wardens this morning at 8am and it was a very frustrating experience, they told me nothing. I have just come back from work and heard the news from Victoria at 11.23

What a shame but as already said, at last he is at peace. I am devastated and will be cuddling my two "dangerous dogs" for some comfort.

The poor family though, such a long battle and no chance to even be with him at the end. That poor lad must have died feeling not just unloved and abandoned by his family but hated and probably mistreated by his carers.
I can't stop crying and hugging my furbaby. My deepest sympathy goes out to the Barns family and especially Brook. This Draconian Dog Act must end. END BSL. X

I called the dog wardens this morning at 8am and it was a very frustrating experience, they told me nothing. I have just come back from work and heard the news from Victoria at 11.23

What a shame but as already said, at last he is at peace. I am devastated and will be cuddling my two "dangerous dogs" for some comfort.

The poor family though, such a long battle and no chance to even be with him at the end. That poor lad must have died feeling not just unloved and abandoned by his family but hated and probably mistreated by his carers.
I can't stop crying and hugging my furbaby. My deepest sympathy goes out to the Barns family and especially Brook. This Draconian Dog Act must end. END BSL. X


Victoria is due to speak on BBC Radio Ulster any time now ( if they don't run out of time again like yesterday)

BBC - Radio Ulster - LIVE

I am listening at the moment but she is not on yet
There was so much love and support for you here in Australia.
RIP Lennox <3
R.I.P lennox x x
Poor thing :( r.i.p Lennox
How sad (

R.I.P. Lennox
My oh my I'm in shock and devastated that poor pooch put to sleep for nothing a life wasted.

This justice system sucks how many murderers are on the streets rapists pedofiles all get released from prison they don't even get the death penalty.

In the article above it stated that he was the most dangerous and unpredictable dog they had ever seen yet he had never did nothing wrong.It makes me sick there clutching at straws as to why they did what the did disgusting.

What bread is next?I'm sure they will do there damnedest to get some more on there so called warning list.

The poor family my hear goes out to them.Poor lennox died not knowing anyone cared for him,he would have died feeling abandoned.

He was kept in bad conditions to so why have the shelter not been prosecuted for cruelty and negligence.

I'm so so upset it's devistating I feel so angry to.xx
Aww at least he's in a better place now xx
I've just watched one of the you tube videos of lennox and it showed where he is ............ I am outraged it's a walled cell no bigger that a large dog creat with only what I can describe as sawdust on the floor.Aparently council approved cell

They say he became aggressive to strangers if he did it's not supprising being ripped from his home no human contact no life.

It's sooo sad his life must have been horrendous there for him so lonely.x
Im so saddened that this has happened, i signed the petition and tweeted and rt'd and posted on facebook everything i could!

I dont know what the Belfast council think they are teaching people because its certainly not right!

We try and teach our children to not be racist or discriminitive to different people ... yet we can to different breeds of dogs!

No wonder American Pitbulls have a stigma attached!

& whats worse is that Lennox was not an American Pitbull and he had a DNA to prove but that still wasnt enough!

It is disgusting and i am shocked and upset :'(
My oh my I'm in shock and devastated that poor pooch put to sleep for nothing a life wasted.

This justice system sucks how many murderers are on the streets rapists pedofiles all get released from prison they don't even get the death penalty.

In the article above it stated that he was the most dangerous and unpredictable dog they had ever seen yet he had never did nothing wrong.It makes me sick there clutching at straws as to why they did what the did disgusting.

What bread is next?I'm sure they will do there damnedest to get some more on there so called warning list.

The poor family my hear goes out to them.Poor lennox died not knowing anyone cared for him,he would have died feeling abandoned.

He was kept in bad conditions to so why have the shelter not been prosecuted for cruelty and negligence.

I'm so so upset it's devistating I feel so angry to.xx

It is so heartbreaking to think how he was feeling in there with no love or attention. Why they would want to do that to him is beyond me.

My other Half's family has a pit bull cross rotweiller and he is the most sensitive gentle dog I have met. He is beautiful and would never harm anyone. If he was brought up to fight and hurt then it would be a different story but the stigma attached to Staffies, pits, Rottweilers etc is disgusting. The amount of stupid teenagers walking around with Staffies like they are some sort of symbol. Takes the bloody pee. Staffies are loving, gentle and loyal and should be treated as such and then people wonder why Staffies attack.

They don't report retrievers or "family friendly" dogs attacking. Sick of seeing poor dogs treated like crap. They have feeling and are just as much as part of your family as your children are.

I am rehoming a sbt this week called kya and she is a stunning girl.

The council should be ashamed of themselves putting a defenceless animal to sleep, but seeing the way he was treated that was probably the best option for him. Some people have no heart. Just sickening!
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