Self employed, I've had ONE client


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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2014
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So due to not having much luck getting a salon job, I decided to rent a chair with no client base while still working part time at burger king

I work Wednesday and Thursdays in the salon, and I've had ONE client out of the 6 days I've been there.

Any advice?

My rent is only 25 a week but it's still boring sitting there all day
Do the salon advertise for you?
Are you advertising yourself?
Do you have to stick to their prices or can you charge your own prices?

Walk round the street and hand out cards.
Go to shops and give out cards.

Maybe do a 10% off with this card type offer?
So due to not having much luck getting a salon job, I decided to rent a chair with no client base while still working part time at burger king

I work Wednesday and Thursdays in the salon, and I've had ONE client out of the 6 days I've been there.

Any advice?

My rent is only 25 a week but it's still boring sitting there all day
Use Facebook to advertise yourself and put offers on and put pictures of your work on to.
I've had this conversation over and over.
Self employed = Self promote!
Yes we can, as salon owners, help by cross promoting and including your treatment on the salons advertising....
BUT, ultimately, it is YOUR business
The reason your rent is cheap, is to help get you started.

Client's are seldom queuing round the block......and the chances of taking over the last persons clientele is even less likely - they would have taken them with them!:p

As Grace suggested, go out and on Facebook, do a 'Taster' morning/day......just to get folk in the door, and sample your treatments!
It will take time.....
Today's market is particularly challenging, as supply outstrips demand.:cool:
Do you have your own business Facebook page? You can add offers to local pages as well, just type your area in the search bar.

Do you have an insta gram account?

Get some good leaflets printed with pictures and an offer and start handing them out.

Does the salon have a website? 10% off on Wednesdays with this code with our new amazing stylist!

Get some friends and family in so you look like you're in demand and take loads of pics for your social media.

You could try getting in touch with photography and makeup students and see if you could all work together to bump up your portfolio.

When people come in are you there greeting them with a smile? X
So due to not having much luck getting a salon job, I decided to rent a chair with no client base while still working part time at burger king

I work Wednesday and Thursdays in the salon, and I've had ONE client out of the 6 days I've been there.

Any advice?

My rent is only 25 a week but it's still boring sitting there all day
That! boy Bach! is the reality of being a business owner :) without customers you have no business! Did you have an established mobile round before you went self employed?
I Agree with all the above advice
Ultimately you need to get out on your feet and put a leaflet through every door local to where you are working. You have the time.
When I started from scratch I would do about 100 leaflets a week keeping a record of which roads I had done. I found it gave about a 4% return on bookings. That may not sound a lot but once you get to around 50 clients it will work more by word of mouth and FB adverts.
Also you're not doing a Saturday I think that makes a difference, do you not have walk ins
Getting friends and family in is a big one too actually.

When I opened (and even still now) I suffer from empty shop syndrome. (No one wants to come into an empty shop-it's daunting).

My family and friends were constantly getting texts to come in for blowdries etc. Just to make me look busy!
Getting friends and family in is a big one too actually.

When I opened (and even still now) I suffer from empty shop syndrome. (No one wants to come into an empty shop-it's daunting).

My family and friends were constantly getting texts to come in for blowdries etc. Just to make me look busy!

LOL....I've actually considered 'rent-a-crowd'.:p
Nothing worse than when a client comes in, looks around, and say's something like,
"....Oh...don't you have any client's....."
Then you say......
" Actually, it's been quite busy today, my last client just this minute left......" ( little white lie, they are the first human you've seen for a long while.....).:oops:
Then, the next day, you're really busy, running late.....sweating profusely.......
Folk come in left right and center wanting an appointment!:mad:
Why are you not doing Saturday's? @Starboltz
Not that it matters so much just yet, in the first 6 months of opening I rarely had a client on a Saturday, I actually thought I'd made a huge location mistake! After about a year tho my Saturday's were pretty rammed, now my Saturday's are booked up at least a month in advance, it takes time to build a client base, what do you think of the advice given above?
So due to not having much luck getting a salon job, I decided to rent a chair with no client base while still working part time at burger king

I work Wednesday and Thursdays in the salon, and I've had ONE client out of the 6 days I've been there.

Any advice?

My rent is only 25 a week but it's still boring sitting there all day

You need to begin branding yourself. create profiles on social media, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Join several online groups. Create your unique profile name and hashtags, but always use the city you're in. Visit locations where people are not mobile do to lack of transportation, medical or our elders and offer to go to them.

Give a discount with referrals and or testimonial reviews.

Best of Luck!

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I'm really sorry for my late reply again, I'm honestly grateful as usual but I've been going long shifts at burger king too as money is money please don't judge

I wish I could rely to each individual comment but I have read ALL the advice and just wanna thank you all :)

However as for Saturdays BK won't let me take them off unfortunately as it's a busy day

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