Slowly losing my drive


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2013
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Hey lovelies, im hoping someone can pass some words of wisdom across here.

Ive been working as a mobile beauty therapist for about two years and left my full time job in april to pursue beauty.

Since then ive been working 7 days a week at least 12 hours a day, when im not with clients im practicing, working on marketing and trying to make my business as successful as possible.

Unfortunately during this time my other half has been out of work for almost 3 months which put us under a lot of financial strain, our relationship is now in pieces which is draining me emotionally.

I dont want to moan but ive slowly lossing all my motivation, and I really dont want my business to suffer. Im still trying as hard but the drive just isnt as much behind me.

How have u guys got through it in the business sense when uve gone through a rough patch?

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Hi sweetie x
First i hope your ok x
Second always remember why you got into it in the first place , because you love what you do x
And try not to run yourself into the ground x

With your partner i understand , because when I'm having issues with my oh it seems to affect all aspect of my concentration
So i have no wise words here as i need some myself lol xx

P.s please don't give up, you have obviously worked hard to be where you are x
Hey lovelies, im hoping someone can pass some words of wisdom across here.

Ive been working as a mobile beauty therapist for about two years and left my full time job in april to pursue beauty.

Since then ive been working 7 days a week at least 12 hours a day, when im not with clients im practicing, working on marketing and trying to make my business as successful as possible.

Unfortunately during this time my other half has been out of work for almost 3 months which put us under a lot of financial strain, our relationship is now in pieces which is draining me emotionally.

I dont want to moan but ive slowly lossing all my motivation, and I really dont want my business to suffer. Im still trying as hard but the drive just isnt as much behind me.

How have u guys got through it in the business sense when uve gone through a rough patch?

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It depends what is suffering as a result. It can take years to become successful. Practice is important but right now I think you could better spend your free time on something else. To relieve some of the financial pressure can you get a part time job to have a guaranteed income and do your own business in between. There will not be so much pressure for a few months and you won't lose your customers you have but the pressure won't be there to continually market and advertise. . Is your partner motivated to seek work, If he can remain upbeat you will be ok.. it makes it so much harder if depression sets in or the feeling of inadequacy start to surface. .

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Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time, especially when you were trying so hard in your own business. Just remember that during this time of financial hardship that no job is too low. Your partner should take whatever he can find to help you both out and to let you continue doing what you are doing. I really hope things get better for you xx
I can totally relate to you , it can feel like a Vicious circle sometimes and everything seems to have a knock on affect which also means that sometimes the smallest of problems seems huge and unbearable.
I have personally found that problems in my relationship will affect everything and problems in business can be all consuming and be taken out on the wrong people over the wrong things.
I've found that talking to my partner and having just us time be it watching a film on tv together, going for a drink or a walk and just opening up and being honest makes the world of difference and sometimes makes you see things in a whole new light.
Find what used to inspire you and what got you passionate about what you do in the first place and try to reignite it.
Have some down time even if it's an hour spend it having a relaxing bath, have some cuddles with your o.h, paint your toenails, give yourself a mini facial anything that just let's your mind catch up and slow down a little you may find you get answers you've been looking for, hope that makes sense and helps in some small way x
Hi lovelies, apologises it's slightly delayed but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has replied.

I have taken all your advice on board and spent the weekend working on winter and christmas nail designs :) I can't believe how much fun I've had and I'm so impressed with my designs even if I do say so myself :)

I know that it's going to be tough getting through this but I am really trying to focus on why I came into the industry and what makes me happy. It's scary how easily you can forget that when life gets to much.

I've also posted some inspirational phrases around my house so when I'm down I try not to see myself as a failure but look at what I've achieved instead. xxx

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