Sticky Feet template


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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Hi, I read a thread on here a while ago where someone was showing off their homemade Sticky Feet. Such a good idea as they are very expensive. I now want to make my own but I am not very creative so wondered if anyone had seen a stick feet template on the internet. I have had a quick look, but couldn't find anything.

My husband very helpfully suggested drawing around my own feet. He just doesn't get it :)

Id love to know this too :) what a good idea :) xx
It was me who was showing off my home made ones a while ago. I used actual bought sticky feet as a template. You can buy just afew pairs online for next to nothing and use them as your template x
What do you use to make the sticky feet? FB idea. X

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Make them by cutting card to the right shape and sticking 2 strips of double sided tape on them. If you look in my profile and through my posts (page 5 or 6) you can see a photo of my ones x
I just use two pieces of small bedroll, works just as well and they always stick to clients feet xx

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Would it be cheeky to ask someome with real sticky feet to scan one onto A4 and upload it onto this thread? Then we could print if off and use it as a template. If anybody can be bothered, that would be great!

Thanks :)
Would it be cheeky to ask someome with real sticky feet to scan one onto A4 and upload it onto this thread? Then we could print if off and use it as a template. If anybody can be bothered, that would be great!

Thanks :)

I seriously hope no one can "be bothered". Why not just factor the cost of actual sticky feet into your service price? They really aren't that expensive tbh.
I seriously hope no one can "be bothered".

Why be so nasty? Seriously, why?

For me, it's not so much about the price of the actual Sticky Feet, it's getting them. Most companies either don't deliver to the UAE or take ages. They also charge quite a lot for postage then I have to pay Customs Duty on top.

But I also thought it might help those out who are trying to save money.

Forget I asked.
Why be so nasty? Seriously, why?

For me, it's not so much about the price of the actual Sticky Feet, it's getting them. Most companies either don't deliver to the UAE or take ages. They also charge quite a lot for postage then I have to pay Customs Duty on top.

But I also thought it might help those out who are trying to save money.

Forget I asked.

I don't think the previous poster was being nasty. Just coping your words of "bothered"
Like in many posts it can be written one way and taken another.
Maybe you should have written if any one would be so kind, not if anybody can be bothered. Just an idead

Leely x
Maybe you should have written if any one would be so kind, not if anybody can be bothered.

Sorry. Where I come from they mean the same thing.
I used to use proper sticky feet but my clients hated them because they were too sticky and they were difficult to get off without leaving stickiness on the soles of the feet. That's why I started making my own using card and 2 small strips of double sided tape. Now however, I don't bother with sticky feet at all. I just use a clean black towel in the bottom of my tent and I've never had a problem with anyone having tanned soles. I find them un-necessary now.
I used to use them but like the persons post above me I have stopped. Most clients hated peeling them off and now I just use a towel. I don't see how homemade sticky feet would look professional? But that's probably just me and my very in arty side lol.

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Coping? Dear me. Its sticky feet not world peace.x;)

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